Regional co-working centre for civic participation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Bjerkaker Learning Lab(NO)
Other Project Partners
Rada mladeze Banskobystrickeho kraja(SK)


The project is focusing on one of the least developed regions in Slovakia, specifically on three districts: Rožňava, Revúca, Rimavská Sobota in the region of Gemer. Many people here have difficulties to find a job or live a dignified life. The project, “Regional co-working centre of civic participation” is, in this area, a much-needed initiative, because other supporting initiatives, such as those from the government, are not sufficient.  Involvement of active residents living directly in the area is crucial, as they understand the needs of local citizens better, are aware of how the third sector works and also, they are familiar with the opportunities present in the region.

The aim is to create a co-working centre and in relation to this to build a platform of citizens, who are able to take an active part in public matters in the mentioned districts. The co-working centre will be used for planning activities, direct cooperation with people, education (for example in the field of the labour market). The project activities include the establishment of the co-working centre, which includes also a practical reconstruction of the spaces, organizing educational and information workshops, comprehensive mapping of the third sector etc. As a result of the above mentioned, the project plans to achieve establishing premises where NGOs can co-work, organize workshops and launch initial training activities and support events. Cooperation with a partner organization is aimed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the whole project.

The goal of co-working centre is to be primarily beneficial for local communities, active citizens, young people and children. The project partner is the Bjerkaker Learning Lab from Norway. The partner is actively providing its know-how, information and strategic approach with the goal to improve communication between the co-working centre and its target groups, also by direct participation in selected project activities and events.

Summary of project results

During the implementation of the project, the pre-set goals were met. The reconstruction of the co-working space was managed, equipped with furniture, IT technologies and other equipments. Within the project, a number of cultural and educational events were implemented. Thanks to them the project promoters activates the citizens and provides information about opportunities to work and cooperate in a common workspace.

Despite the fact that at the end of the project - when the project implementers tried to fully start the co-working activity - the coronavirus spread, preventing many activities and events for the public, it managed to provide space for more active people from the region who rented and worked in it. This made it possible to set the basic parameter of the functioning of the co-working, which is ready for further development. The project is evaluated very positively, not only by the implementers, but also by the general public in the region. It can be considered extremely successful.

Summary of bilateral results

The bilateral Partner, Bjerkaker Learning Lab from Norway, provided throughout the whole project mentoring over the emerging co-working space and above setting its basic parameters (way of functioning, financial circumstances, addressing local civil actors and active people, set rental in the co-working space, etc.). With the partner''s expertise and its experience with similar concepts and projects, the project promoters managed to create a standard modern co-working space from the existing. This cooperation has led to a wider involvement of local community to co-working activities. The partner has regularly participated in the project events, contributed presentations and other inputs (such as a lecture) at project events, ensured capacity building in the project (in the form of training, etc.) and worked together with the project promoters in finding joint troubleshooting in the project.The cooperation with the Norwegian partner continues in another project (CO3 - CO-EXIST, CO-WORK, CO-OPERATE, in the Active Citizens Fund, Theme 5 – Enhanced capacity and sustainability of civil society). This continuation of cooperation resulted from good experience and fruitful cooperation with the partner. His tasks for the future are to supervise the administrative development of the co-working centre, to provide advice and guidelines and communicate on a regular basis with representatives of the Otvor dvor civil association in order to make the best use of the potential of this co-working space.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.