Empowerment and integration of NEETs into the labour market and development of a comprehensive program of support services for NEETs, including the solutions on systemic level (PreseNEETi se)

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Adult Education Celje(SI)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norwegian Organisation for Supervision and Co-Operation(NO)
Other Project Partners
Employment Service of Slovenia(SI)
National Youth Council of Slovenia(SI)
University of Maribor(SI)


Project “PreseNEETi se” addresses the issue of NEETs, which deepened during the COVID-19 pandemic The analysis shows that in May 2020, as many as 12.6 million young people were unemployed, which is the largest share of unemployed young people in the last decade in the OECD area. Among them, the share of NEETs increased by almost 2%. In this context the project addresses the challenges of NEETs in Slovenia, namely: i) unclear methodology for identifying unregistered NEETs; ii) almost half of NEETs have never been in contact with the Employment Service;  iii) 90% of unregistered NEETs have never worked; iv) only one out of the four unregistered NEETs is actively seeking employment; v) 65% of unregistered NEETs are inactive and not looking for work; vi) the largest number of unregistered NEETs are older youth who have no work experience and are less educated. In this context, the main goal of the project is the empowerment and social activation of NEETs, thus contributing to the establishment of support services for NEETs as well as to an improved education and social environment designed to support disadvantaged groups. The specific objectives are: (1) to empower and socially involve at least 30 NEETs in the labour market; (2) include 40 mentors in a two-tier mentoring scheme; (3) empower at least 100 stakeholders at the systemic level with a new methodology to identify the basic characteristics and needs of the NEET population and pave the way for the concept of early intervention. Project will systematically include all NEET young people under the age of 25 in a youth guarantee scheme, which acts as a cornerstone of European employment policy. Project will strive for the empowerment and social activation of NEETs, strengthening the existing mentoring schemes and skills of the Employment Service and Youth Council of Slovenia in their work with NEETs and act on the systemic level as an example of good practice in reaching NEETs and their integration on labour market.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.