General Hospital Novo mesto mobility plan

Project facts

Project promoter:
Development center Novo mesto Ltd(SI)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
NORD University(NO)
Other Project Partners
General hospital Novo mesto(SI)


The parameters of air and noise pollution, congestions, and related accident rates are not encouraging[4], requiring urgent actions to develop a plan for sustainable mobility and behavioral travel change. Therefore, aligned with the Transport Development Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia until 2030[5], Integrated Transport Planning Act[6], Integrated Transport Strategy of Municipality of Novo mesto[7], and Comprehensive National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Slovenia (NEPN)[8], the main goal of this project is to support climate changes mitigation and reduce vulnerability to them by developing a plan for sustainable mobility management in the SB NM high-traffic location. The project will support the transition to sustainable mobility modes of the SB NM’s main stakeholders through enhanced knowledge and travel habits change for improved environmental quality and stakeholders’ health and well-being. More specifically, our goal is to increase the percentage of employees, patients, and visitors that travel to the hospital by environmentally-friendly transportation alternatives by 6 % to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Next, we aim to improve the effectiveness of informing and raising awareness among employees and patients by 30 % on the convenient and easy-to-use sustainable mobility alternatives (e.g., regular and electric bikes, e-scooters, e-cars, pedestrian routes, buses, trains, or car-sharing) by relying on suitable information channels and new innovative IT tool. Nevertheless, we aim to upgrade the existing cycling and e-vehicles charging facilities to improve the access to sustainable transportation alternatives. Hence, the main target groups are employees, visitors, and patients of SBNM and the wider related stakeholders, such as municipalities representatives, public transport providers, NGOs, regional development agencies, and the general public.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.