Development of Circular Public Procurement for establishment of Material Local Loops

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipality of Novo mesto(SI)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Nord universitet(NO)
Other Project Partners
Development centre Novo mesto(SI)
Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto(SI)
KNOF social enterprise(SI)
Public utility company Novo mesto(SI)

More information


The main purpose of the project is to introduce the principles of circularity in the public procurement processes of public institutions. This will help introduce the concept of circular economy in the local environment and support the closing of material loops. The project is  necessary to address the gaps related to initial investment in setting up a circular public procurement model, to launch demos; to establish an Innovation center; and to transfer knowledge and experiences regarding circular procurement between Norway and Slovenia.

The project objective is therefore to develop a circular business model for local public institutions, which in turn enables the purchase of products that envelop the increased use of locally sourced naturally renewable materials; the use of secondary resources; and the recycling of products. Being pursued as an overall objective is also the transfer of knowledge  between the NORD University in Norway and Slovenian partners. 

The role and added value of the project partners in the established cross-sectoral partnership is as follows:  Municipalitv of Novo mesto - promotion and start-up of circular economy in the local environment; NORD University - analysis, transfer of knowledge and experience between Norway and Slovenia: Faculty of Industrial Engineering - analysis and transfer of knowledge and technologies of the best industrial practices, Development center - analysis and transfer of knowledge and experience in SME, Innovation center; Social enterprise KNOF - knowledge, experience, and skills in the production of sustainable products from waste materials; and Public utility company - knowledge and experience in the field of waste collection.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.