The application of circular economy principles in industry processes

Project facts

Project promoter:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia(SI)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Eyde cluster(NO)
Other Project Partners
TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre(SI)

More information


The main objective of the CIRCI project is to improve the eco-efficiency of the Slovenian and Norwegian (industrial) ecosystem and to increase the awareness about circular economy through innovation. The project aims to optimize the material and energy flow in the production process using sidestream materials for re-use purposes. The project’s primary goal is to map these sidestream or secondary materials and establish a database that will be a source of information for interested parties. Sidestream materials can be an important material source for different production companies or industries. CIRCI will also consider the administrative implementation of waste legislation in Slovenia as there are some uncertainties about when the status of waste ends or how materials can circulate as sidestream materials, which is the basis of industrial symbiosis. One of the main objectives of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through innovative approaches and the use of ICT to develop new circular business models and to promote industrial symbiosis. CIRCI will directly address the challenges of the transition to circular economy through practical application and raising awareness. The consortium of the CIRCI partnership with Slovenian and Norwegian partners will also ensure knowledge transfer and increase bilateral cooperation. The key activity for achieving the goals of the project will be the establishment of a database of sidestream materials (and energy flows) modelled on the Norwegian database. Based on the results obtained in three selected Slovenian industries (metal processing industry, processing of recyclable plastic resources, electrical industry) we will promote cooperation between companies (either from the same industry or other), research institutions or interested organizations through support instruments (vouchers, business support and educational activities). 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.