Make Anhovo breath again

Project facts

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In implementation
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Cement plant Salonit Anhovo has officially requested the Miinistry to increase klin dust production and the amount of co-incineration of waste. Higher production and waste co-inceneration  brings additional burdens on our environment. We responded with an initiative to change the legislation, which would equate the norms for cement-co-incinerators with those that apply to specialized waste incinerators.

Together with Inštitut 8.marec, Eko Anhhovo  submitted to the National Assembly a civil initiative to submit a Law - Protection Act, which would equalize the emission limit values ​​for cement plants - co-incinerators with those that apply to specialized waste incinerators. We will submit the law to the parliamentary procedure as a civil initiative, so we will have to collect 5,000 certified signatures in the following months. Current environmental legislation allows cement plants-waste co-incinerators to have significantly milder operating conditions and extremely inadequate supervision.

With the project, we are responding to the call for the start of the collection of certified signatures of voters. In the coming days, it will be necessary to prepare content for the campaign, to start raising public awareness of the importance of the change in legislation, and to prepare everything necessary for work in the field in the next two months.

Target groups:

1. At least 5,000 voters from all over Slovenia to  contribute a certified signature for submitting an initiative to amend the law

2. Parliamentary political parties and decision-makers who, after the expiration of the 60-day period, will decide on the adoption of the law initiative

A successful project will be an important step on the way to changing legislation and tightening environmental standards, which will protect the health of residents living near co-incineration plants and contribute to higher environmental protection.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.