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The year 2022 was a breakthrough in the field of disclosure and media coverage of sexual violence in Slovenia, where every fifth girl and every seventh boy is abused, according to statistics.
With the project Gender equality rules: creating equal society for all we will implement legislative forum performances in high schools and universities in various parts of Slovenia, we want to open a public discussion on the topic of gender stereotypes and, look for alternatives for dealing with them among young people and in the public. Through the performances, we open up reflections on when and where in our environments we socialize sexual violence, thereby searching for and raising awareness of the elements that normalize it as we grow up. With theater techniques and performances, we strive to find legislative proposals in the form of direct democracy, creating dialogue in the community, which leads to awareness in a different, more in-depth and participatory way compared to media reporting. With the help of an expert team (legislative cell), we shape the proposals of the audience at the performances into legislative language and hand them over to the legislative body. In other European countries, for example in Graz, Austria, legislative forum performances have already achieved a change in legislation in favor of the community. By intertwining all activities, we want to support the victims of sexual violence in our society and the wave of their courage in reporting the violence over their bodies. We want to make young people between 14-18 years old, students and the general public more educated and aware of the topic so they will be able to support victims of sexual violence, both on an individual and societal level, with the method and approach of media reporting, we want to spread the courage among victims to report, to raise awareness in the general public, and to show mainstream media reporting an example, how the topic of sexual violence should be treated.