Critical literacy on conspiracy theories

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute for labour studies(SI)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Institute for the Support of Civil Society Initiatives and Multicultural Cooperation Pekarna Magdalenske mreže(SI)
Institute Radio MARŠ(SI)


In the last few decades we have witnessed the rise and spread of a wide variety of conspiracy theories, seen by many as credible explanations of the crises, events and social tendencies of the modern and contemporary world. Scientific, health, political and media institutions have failed to use their calls, warnings and criticism to prevent the rise of anti-vaccine and other conspiracy theories that emerged in relation to protective measures during the new coronavirus pandemic. This reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the modern, mainly online, conspiracy theory movements, their conventions, diversity, history, and their complex connections to wider social life. Without a proper understanding of this culture, it is not possible to formulate effective critique and convincing alternatives to conspiracy theories and politics related to them.Through this project, the Institute for Labour Studies, which is dedicated to research and educational activities in the field of critical social sciences, will equip the younger generation with scientific tools they will be able to use to effectively analyze and critique the conspiracy theories that spread across social networks and other online platforms. In doing so, we will not try to silence young people''s dissatisfaction with the established political, media and scientific institutions, but rather encourage the redirection of this dissatisfaction to more productive forms of political participation, research or socially critical activities.In cooperation with partners, the Institute will conduct a series of workshops and lectures and design a series of podcasts and video content on conspiracy theories and related social phenomena, while also encouraging discussion on major social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Summary of project results

In the last few decades we have witnessed the rise and spread of a wide variety of conspiracy theories, seen by many as credible explanations of the crises, events and social tendencies of the modern and contemporary world. Scientific, health, political and media institutions have failed to use their calls, warnings and criticism to prevent the rise of anti-vaccine and other conspiracy theories that emerged in relation to protective measures during the new coronavirus pandemic. This reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the modern, mainly online, conspiracy theory movements, their conventions, diversity, history, and their complex connections to wider social life. Without a proper understanding of this culture, it is not possible to formulate effective critique and convincing alternatives to conspiracy theories and politics related to them.

Through this project, the Institute for Labour Studies, which is dedicated to research and educational activities in the field of critical social sciences, equiped the younger generation with scientific tools they can use to effectively analyze and critique the conspiracy theories that spread across social networks and other online platforms.

In cooperation with partners, the Institute conducted a series of workshops and lectures and design a series of podcasts and video contents on conspiracy theories and related social phenomena, while also encouraging discussion on major social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Led by Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor, the workshops and lectures were held at various locations in Maribor with an emphasis on secondary schools and gymnasiums. A series of podcasts were included in the regular program of Radio MARŠ, and video content were published on the Institute’s Youtube channel.

Several videos on conspiracy theories were produced and are available on the Yutube channel of the Institute for labour studies. They reached a wide public - not only on Yutube but also on Instagram and Facebook pages. Also, a booklet was distributed to several high schools in Slovenia.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.