SNIFF – Student Network for the Investigation of Function and Finances

Project facts

Project promoter:
SocialClub Student Association(SI)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
List of Democratic Studentry (LDŠ)(SI)
Zagon Student Association(SI)

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In February, the Administrative Boards of the Student Organizations of Higher Education Institutions (ŠOVZ) of the Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana (ŠOUL) started adopting financing plans for operations in 2021. We noticed that in two cases they did not do so in accordance with ŠOUL legislation, which envisages the convening of a public tribune, at which ŠOVZ acquaints the faculty students with the work program and financing plan. As the public tribune was not convened or was convened in a way that led to the absence of the student public and its uninformedness, the students are directly harmed and are deprived of the opportunity to co-create the ŠOVZ program. Within SNIFF, we intend to perform an analysis of the situation at UL faculties and establish an innovative educational and awareness campaign that will make UL students acquainted with violations, their rights, and activate them. Through advocacy activities in relation to ŠOUL student bodies and with the support of the student public,, the project partners and other participants intend to achieve that the adopted financing and activity programs are revoked and the conditions for active student participation are re-established.

The main goal of the project is to address UL students, whom the consortium of applicants intends to encourage to become more actively involved in student political life, thus giving them a greater opportunity to shape the use of budget funds and co-create annual activities. At the same time, the project will address student officials at the faculty level and the ŠOUL level, where we intend to raise awareness and encourage them to act in accordance with applicable acts, principles of transparency, the inclusion of eligible voters, establish appropriate control and take full responsibility for their decisions.

Summary of project results

The main goal of the project was to address students from University of Ljubljana to become more actively involved in student political life, thus giving them a greater opportunity to shape the use of budget funds and co-create annual activities. But the project had several difficulties in keeping the students motivated for participation. It was even further constrained by the Covid-19 restrictions disabeling them to engage and organize live discussions. The organizes were faced with low understanding from the students of UL faculties budget and even lower skills for advocacy and argumentation. The project did not achive the results foreseen.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.