With forgotten resources young protect the environment

Project facts

Project promoter:
Institute Step forward Murska Sobota, social enterprise(SI)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
MIKK Murska Sobota
youth cultural center(SI)
Promundus d.o.o.(SI)

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Project partnership is aiming to tackle the growing problem in Pomurje region - waste management of waste with reuse potential, such as textile and home interior design materials. According to environmental studies, these are the materials often left out from considering reusage. The core issue in our environment is low awareness of the population about the problems, created by often inappropriate waste management in households. Partners, in their long years of experience in working in waste materials reusage, identify the young as the most vulnerable target group in this field. Target group is vulnerable through growing trend of consumerism and hence exposed to growing financial pressure and social vulnerability.

Main goal of the project is to encourage the young population of the region to assume active role in reducing waste in the region. Specific goals are to increase the interest of the young population in Pomurje region in participation in planning and implementing of different measures and projects, that are promoting reuse of waste materials in production, to promote the purchase and usage of such materials in the young population and increase awareness of the target group about the possibilities of expressing their creativity and active participation in solving social issues of the region. 

Proposed activities are adopted to communication tools, used by the target group, such as Facebook, Instagram, internet tv, YouTube channels, price winning competitions and street events, adopted to be interesting for the younger population.

The solution of the problem is based on using methods, that were never before used in our social environment. Activities are planned together with the target group and are going to be implemented together with the target group. With this participative approach we wish to ensure, that the programs, developed in the project, will be sustainable and efficient since we want to change the behaviour patterns of the users.

Summary of project results

The project aim was to reduce the waste amd encurage reuse in Pomurje region. They had organized several activities to engage more young people and to influence their attituede towards reused items, mainly textile and furniture. The project had limited success in achiving its goals as they focused more on activities than on results. But they had managed to increase awarness and recognition of reuse - mostly by exchange of cloths. There''s been an increase of similar activities from other organizations as well as media coverage of such stories. Several DIY videos have been produced but more effort should be invested in their promotion to make sure they reach target audiance. They managed to present their activities to local media outlest - mostly Pozdrav TV.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.