""Facilitation for integration! Integrated active measures for Roma from Apața""

Project facts

Project promoter:
""Aici pentru Tine"" Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The project aims to contribute to increasing access to services for vulnerable people from the Apața commune and combating discrimination against the Roma. It is estimated that in the commune, the Roma population is 60%, the others being Hungarians and Romanians. The specific objectives of the project are: Organization of a multidisciplinary community intervention team capable of developing a system of complex and integrated social services for vulnerable groups; Increasing the level of awareness and sensitization to the issue of non-discrimination and equality of chances; Increasing access to services in the social, educational and medical fields for the target groups.

The target groups are made up of: 100 people of Roma ethnicity (60 children from the Apața School and 40 adults), 20 members of the other ethnicities who live in the implementation area and live in conditions similar to those of the Roma, 5 Roma experts and leaders and 15 specialists/volunteers.

The main activities are the following: counselling and professional guidance and vocational, non-formal education (education for intimate health, independent living skills, style of healthy living, hygiene, nutrition), mentoring program for 20 students, an workshop for students involvement in solving local community problems), personal development camp. In the field of health: help for accessing basic medical services and health mediation (health education, nutrition, planning, vaccination etc.). Two information campaigns: one on the topic of discrimination (including gender, taking into account the needs and situation of women of Roma ethnicity) and one aimed at empowering Roma. Material assistance will be provided (packages of food and hygiene products) for the beneficiaries of the project (100 people of Roma ethnicity and 20 non-Roma persons).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.