Development of education infrastructure by making the investment ""Rehabilitation, arrangement and functional improvement of primary and preschool school unit"", Richiș village, Biertan commune, Sibiu county

Project facts

Project promoter:
Territoral administrative unit Biertan commune(RO)
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This project proposes to elaborate the technical documentation  for rehabilitation of primary and preschool unit in Richiș village, Biertan commune, Sibiu county. 
On the medium term, the project will increasing the capacity of Biertan Commune City Hall to access funding for put in practice the execution of works. On the long term will  improving the educational conditions for 60 children, of which at least 80% are Roma, improving working conditions for school and kindergarten education staff (10 people, half of whom are Roma).
The project executions will  diminishing the social exclusion of the poor population and especially of the members of the Roma ethnic group,  reducing school dropout and improving the integration of the poor population and especially of the Roma from Biertan commune in the education system, by attending more kindergarten (school failure is often due to non-attendance of kindergarten) and school courses and improving the qualification level of Roma youth (lack of qualifications is also due to school dropout)

Summary of project results

This project proposes the preparation of technical documentation  for the objective "Rehabilitation, arrangement and functional improvement of primary and preschool school unit", Richiș village, Biertan commune, Sibiu county. 
The immediate effects of the implementation of this project are:
- realization of the investment “Rehabilitation, arrangement and functional improvement of primary and preschool school unit”, Richiș village, Biertan commune, Sibiu county
- improving the educational conditions for 60 children, of which at least 80% are Roma
- improving working conditions for school and kindergarten education staff (10 people, half of whom are Roma)
- increasing the capacity of Biertan Commune City Hall to access funding and implement projects to reduce poverty in the area and eliminate zonal disparities 

The project supported the elaboration of the technical documentation for rehabilitation of primary and preschool school unit from Richiș village, documentation necessary for project promoter to obtain financing for the effective realization of the investment.

The project increased the capacity of the local authority to obtain funding for the implementation of measures stipulated in local development strategies.  Municipality developed preliminary technical documentation for an investment objective.
The project will further benefit for community upon submitting the technical documentation for funding from other sources and  implementation of the infrastructure project for which the technical documentation was developed.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.