Improving the social conditions in Teliu commune through the construction and rehabilitation of bridges and footbridges in the locality

Project facts

Project promoter:
Territorial administrativ unit Teliu commune(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:

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The Teliu commune aims through the project to make the specific technical documentation for the construction / rehabilitation some bridges and footbridges in the locality. The bridge / footbridges  that will be the subject of the project ensure access over the Teliu River between the two marginalized communities in the commune where the share of Roma people is 40% of the total population.
On the medium term, the investment will contribute to the rehabilitation of the road infrastructure in the marginalized areas, improving the living conditions of the inhabitants, increasing the access and the quality of social services for the vulnerable groups in the commune, facilitating the mobility of the population.
The target groups of the project are represented by the persons directly affected by the project results: inhabitants of the two marginalized neighborhoods and by the persons indirectly affected by the project results respectively the inhabitants of the entire Teliu locality

Summary of project results

This project proposes the preparation of technical documentation for the construction / rehabilitation some bridges and footbridges in the locality. The bridge / footbridges  that will be the subject of the project ensure access over the Teliu River between the two marginalized communities in the commune where the share of Roma people is 40% of the total population.
On the medium term, the investment will contribute to the rehabilitation of the road infrastructure in the marginalized areas, improving the living conditions of the inhabitants, increasing the access and the quality of social services for the vulnerable groups in the commune, facilitating the mobility of the population.
The target groups of the project are represented by the persons directly affected by the project results, a number of 1858 inhabitants of the two marginalized neighborhoods and by the persons indirectly affected by the project results respectively the 4556 inhabitants of the entire Teliu locality.

The project supported the elaboration of the technical documentation for the construction / rehabilitation some bridges and footbridges in the locality, documentation necessary for project promoter to obtain financing for the effective realization of the investment.

The project increased the capacity of the local authority to obtain funding for the implementation of measures stipulated in local development strategies.  Municipality developed preliminary technical documentation for an investment objective.
The project will further benefit for community upon submitting the technical documentation for funding from other sources and  implementation of the infrastructure project for which the technical documentation was developed.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.