IMPACT JUST - Improving the Current Mechanisms and Policies on the Condition and Treatment of the Detainees

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association `Good Man`(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Iasi Penitentiary(RO)

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The project aims to contribute to a better implementation of the ECHR recommendations in the field of the rights of the detainees. To achieve this, a mechanism will be created in order to reduce the discriminatory treatment against detainees and to encourage a tolerant behavior towards this target group.

The main target group of the project consists of 136 police officers employed by the Iași penitentiary, who work in various areas such as education, health, employment, social services, etc, while 646 detainees of the Iasi Penitentiary will also receive services under the project (as a final target group).

The following activities will be carried out through the project: training of penitentiary staff in the field of human rights (more specifically, in the field of equal opportunities, social and civic competences as well as the legal protection of human rights), establishing strategic partnerships with relevant actors in the field of human rights in order to enhance the implementation of Council of Europe standards on the rights of the detainees, developing a functional mechanism for mutual consultation between the relevant authorities and detainees and setting setting up and implementing new working procedures in the Iași penitentiary regarding the food supply, the right to work, information and health.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.