GLORIA - integrated assistance for victims of domestic and gender violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
Medical Forensic Institute Iasi(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Hedda Association(NO)
Other Project Partners
Center for Mediation and Community Security Foundation(RO)
Corona Foundation(RO)
National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men(RO)

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The project provides quality integrated services, addressing multidisciplinary issues of domestic and gender-based violence, including specific measures in the fields of social, medical, educational, occupational and housing for at least 550 persons (adults - especially women and children) victims of domestic and gender-based violence in rural areas and small urban areas from Iași, Vaslui, Bacău and Neamț counties, covering ​​250 local communities where such services are lacking or are insufficient.

The activities include: specialized services provided in the center for assistance and counselling for victims of domestic and gender-based violence (e.g., psychological, family, social, legal, parental counseling and assistance, individual / group therapy), occupational services and entrepreneurial development, educational programme addressed to children victims / witnesses of domestic and gender violence, securing housing spaces for victims.

The project aims also to improve the framework for cooperation and coordination of local public and private services involved in the integrated approach to the problem of domestic and gender based violence across the entire spectrum of prevention-protection-monitoring action through information, training, transfer of good practices, from Norway and Romania, development of joint working practices with at least 450 professionals and volunteers who work or interact with the victims in order to facilitate access to quality services.The project is innovative due to the integrated nature of the intervention - by joining five key partners: 4 national partners (including the coordinating agency of the national strategy for the prevention and combating of domestic violence, ANESas well as a Norwegian NGO (Hedda Foundation) with expertise in domestic violence in Norway.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.