Through education towards vocation!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Alba Iulia Orthodox Philanthropy Association(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
New School(NO)
Other Project Partners
Foundation for the Promotion of Agriculture and Regional Economy - FAER-Reghin-Mures(RO)
HEKS / EPER Romania Foundation(RO)


Need for the project: is apparent from the large number of children dropping out of school and which grows from year to year at, the local level, with 30% of the population being based on: migration of parents abroad 10%,children from disadvantaged areas socio-economic,8%, children from poor families 12% and 40% of romas families. SO:1.Reducing the phenomenon of school dropout and increasing school performance for 645 students at risk of dropout from the Center and Northwest regions over a 24-month period; 2.Increasing the professional training of 49 professionals working with children at risk of early school leaving and children with ESCs over a 4-month period;3.Increasing community involvement in the process of promoting inclusive education and improving the school institution;Through the project, we aim to support inclusive education,offering the opportunity for 645 children to participate in the educational process in a safe and professional environment through inclusive and remedial education.Creating an optimal alternative service model complementing the formal education system to meet needs, preventing early school leaving and increasing school performance.GT:635 children and young people at risk of school dropout and 10 children with special educational requirements; 170 parents / tutors of children and young people in the target group; 49 people in education working with children and young people in the target group; 16 professionals/volunteers in the sphere of social services, care oferă servicii copiilor și tinerilor în principalele grupuri țintă. The role of partners is also to implement in their region this system of school dropout prevention for 240 children.Results:10 children or young people with special educational needs and 635 children received support services;41 trained teachers;170 parents received support;1 Manual for Inclusive Education and Personal Development developed and edited;  3 Conferences;10 support groups for teachers.

Summary of project results

In Alba County, the school dropout rate during the 2016-2017 school year was approximately 0.37%. Various factors contributed to this, including a poor economic situation, disadvantaged families, repeated academic failure, learning difficulties, difficulties in relating to others, psychological causes, peer influence, juvenile delinquency, and parental neglect.

Primary classes in the county had a dropout rate of 30%, with factors such as parents migrating for work abroad (10%), children from socio-economically disadvantaged areas (8%), and children from families with limited financial means (12%) playing a role.

Within the 12 schools involved in the project, questionnaires revealed that out of a total of 2,037 students in primary and secondary education, 470 came from Roma families, 476 were at risk of dropout and academic failure, 366 came from disadvantaged backgrounds, 54 came from families that had migrated abroad, and 20 had special needs or required curricular adaptation.

The project aims to support 645 children by creating 17 groups within schools, 2 day centers for children, and offering tutoring sessions. Parents'' specific needs, such as support, information, and counseling on the importance of completing school, will be addressed through activities and material support. A warm meal will be provided from Monday to Thursday for 16 months. Additionally, a Parent Education Program involving teachers and parents will be created.

The project activities aim to meet expected outcomes and objectives, providing quality and inclusive education for at-risk children and youth based on their individual needs. The activities will balance educational and recreational aspects, offering alternative services to the formal education system to prevent dropout and improve academic performance.

The need for training emerged from research conducted in 23 schools, where teachers faced communication problems with parents and children, negatively impacting behavior and performance. Impulsive behavior, lack of parental interest, and challenging students were common issues. The project will address this by organizing three training sessions for 41 teachers on school dropout, working methods with students, and remedial and inclusive education.

Overall, the project targets students, school counselors/psychologists/teachers

Summary of bilateral results

The partner Newschool Norway, an educational design agency, organized and conducted an online training course on inclusive and vocational education. Eighteen representatives from the Lead Partner and other project partners participated, including school directors, teachers, school counselors, and psychologists. During the five days of training, they explored educational techniques specific to the Norwegian model, applicable in Romanian schools, as well as experimental learning methods for personal development and group cohesion among teachers. Guided by the Newschool Norway trainer, participants had the opportunity to explore together how to facilitate creative exercises that enhance children''s motivation and inspire creativity. A brochure containing Norwegian vocational education methods was also created and published online.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.