Reducing marginalization in the city of Bălcești, Valcea county, by increasing access to finance

Project facts

Project promoter:
Territorial administrativ unit Balcesti town(RO)
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The project consists in the elaboration of technical documentation for rehabilitating the building of the Technical High School “Petrache Poenaru”, Balcesti locality.
The project responds to the need to reduce the marginalization of young people in the marginalized community and to increase the quality of the educational process in the local community. It aims to carry out specialized studies for the rehabilitation /consolidation /modernization /endowment and increase of the energy efficiency of the investment objective Petrache Poenaru Technical School, C1 building, according to the general objective of the grant scheme. The short term result of the project will be the elaboration of the technical documentation, while on medium term, it will facilitate the access to financing of the project promoter, which will be able to apply for a project with a non-reimbursable financing. On long term, the new infrastructure will contribute to reducing the marginalization among the local community and increase the quality of educational activities. The directly aimed target group is represented by students aged between 15 and 18 years from the school, mostly disadvantaged young people from marginalized communities, as well as teachers. The indirect beneficiaries are their families (relatives, parents) from marginalized communities and the entire community of Bălceşti, 4864 inhabitants.

Summary of project results

The project responded to the need to reduce the marginalization of young people in the marginalized community and to increase the quality of the educational process in the local community. In the project there was ellaborated the technical documentation for rehabilitating the building of the Technical High School Petrache Poenaru, Balcesti locality. This technical documenation will facilitate the access of the project promoter to financing, by applying for a grant. In the long term, the new infrastructure will contribute to reducing the marginalization among the local community and increase the quality of educational activities. The directly aimed target group is represented by students aged between 15 and 18 years from the school, mostly disadvantaged young people from marginalized communities, as well as teachers. The indirect beneficiaries are their families (relatives, parents) from marginalized communities and the entire community of Balcesti.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.