Improving the correctional services in Romania by implementing the normality principle - 4NORM (—ality)

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Administration of Penitentiaries(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Hedmark prison(NO)
The University College of the Norwegian Correctional Service (KRUS)(NO)
Other Project Partners
Babes-Bolyai University(RO)
Craiova Prison(RO)
National Probation Directorate(RO)
National School for Training Prison Agents (in Tårgu Ocna)(RO)
Ploiesti Prison(RO)
Poarta Alba Prison(RO)


The project aims at contributing to a better social reintegration of convicts by reintegration programmes in three Romanian prisons. The activities include staff training; developing a new study and research department in the National Administration of Penitentiaries; strengthening the existing research department in the National Probation Directorate; improving detention conditions and ensuring better working conditions for inmates; setting up an activity office at one prison; appropriate training for prisoners to better their chances of employment in the current job market; developing an accountability programme for inmates, based on recommendations from the Council of Europe. As regards improvements in detention conditions, the project envisages the building of 240 new detention places that will be in line with the COE standards in terms of size. The project is explicitly advancing the issues of Roma inclusion and empowerment and the social inclusion of vulnerable groups other than Roma through the development and implementation of the accountability programme, training of prison staff and other post-release reintegration measures. Gender equality, anti-discrimination, transparency and anti-corruption are tackled as cross-cutting issues throughout the project. 

Alternative measures to prison will be taken into account in the project.

Summary of project results

The project introduced the principle of normality at the core of the activities developed with the inmates in three Romanian prisons following the Norwegian concept, developed the research structures and methodologies in the Romanian correctional system and also had a component of infrastructure for an increased prison capacity in line with European standards.

Result 1 - Development and implementation of an accountability program for inmates and training of staff, for an effective social reintegration with a special focus on Roma and other risk exclusion categories

Main achievements: an initial evaluation of the effectiveness of inmates’ daily routine and a staff training needs assessment performed in all 3 prison partners (Craiova, Ploiești and Constanța-Poarta Albă); a programme focused on increasing the accountability of Roma and other vulnerable inmates by introducing a daily routine similar to the one outside prison developed by 2 working groups comprising prison and probation staff; 45 prison staff from all 3 prisons trained on the newly developed accountability programme and its effective application; 122 inmates trained and certified in areas such as tailoring, crop farming, welding, IT skills; 90 prison and probation staff trained in complementary areas to the accountability programme, such as non-conflictual communication and anger management. Moreover, 16 prison psychologists specialized on identifying and overcoming trauma, thus improving their skills in daily work with convicted persons; the accountability programme piloted over 12 months in all 3 prisons, fine-tuned based on staff observations and inmates’ feedback, validated by Norwegian experts, finalized and disseminated to over 80 prison and probation staff. It will be further adapted in other Romanian prisons. Moreover, a delegation of 10 experts from the Romanian penitentiary and probation systems and 4 Norwegian correctional experts participated to 2 study visits in Ireland and Iceland (February 2024) in order to understand the implementation of normality principle within their correctional systems but also to identify the means of adapting this principle in the Romanian correctional context; a delegation of 2 prison experts attended 2 international conferences in Latvia and Poland (April 2024) in which the latest trends, knowledge and experiences within the European correctional field were debated.

The introduction of the accountability programme within the Romanian prison system provided for thorough evaluations of participating inmates and their continuous assessment during the programme (in terms of behavior, skills, interests, performance etc) enabling targeted activities leading to a positive change in inmates’ attitudes for a low-abiding life and responsible choices.   

Result 2 - Establishing a structure for studies, analysis and research within the National Administration of Prisons (NAP) and developing a similar structure at the level of National Probation Directorate (NPD)

Main achievements: a new organigramme, operating methodology and functioning rules for the research structure developed by external experts together with NAP staff; the Research structure was established by Order of Minister of Justice no. 1145/05.07.2023 within the Human Resources Management Directorate of NAP and 2 specialized research software were procured; NPD improved its research activity through employment of additional staff, procurement of specialized software and conduct of a research on the mobility of Roma in probation whose findings were disseminated at International and national conferences; NPD ensured the training of 53 prison and probation staff on research topics such as research practice, methodology and methods of data analysis.  

Result 3 - Detention conditions improved in accordance with Council of Europe standards by setting up new detention sections

The new investment objective at Craiova Prison (80 places) was completed at the end of 2024. The execution of works at Constanta-Poarta Alba Prison (80 places and a new probation location) is ongoing (95% rate of progress on 20.02.2025) and it is expected to be finalized by end April 2025, partially through funds allocated from NAP’s own budget. Even if the investment objective of Ploiesti Prison (80 new places, 23,50% rate of progress on 20.02.2025) is no longer a programme indicator, it is expected to be finalized by May 2025 with funds from NAP’s own budget (unless other financing sources are identified).

The project contributed to Outcome 2 - Improved correctional services through the following targets and indicators:

  • Number of prisoners undergoing work and training programs (Target = 575) - 122 inmates qualified in tailoring (40), crop farming (52), welding (16), digital competences (14);
  • Number of prisons with new working and training facilities for detainees (Target = 3)  - The execution of works at Craiova and Constanta-Poarta Alba prisons continued after 30 April 2024 and is envisaged to be completed by 30 April 2025;

  • Number of probation locations with improved working infrastructure (Target = 3) - The execution of works at Constanta-Poarta Alba prison, including infrastructure improvements for probation work, continued after 30 April 2024 and is envisaged to be completed by 30 April 2025;

  • Number of rehabilitation programs supported (Target = 5) - An accountability programme was elaborated, piloted and assessed in order to determine its effectiveness;

  • Number of prison places set up in line with European standards (Target = 900) - Craiova prison (80) and Constanta-Poarta Alba prison (80).

Summary of bilateral results

Romanian and Norwegian prison and probation staff participated in two study visits in Ireland and Iceland, where they learnt about the implementation of the normality principle in other correctional systems and best practices in this field in order to best adapt it to national context. Moreover, the Ambassadors Programme, in which the Romanian and Norwegian correctional staff were jointly trained as trainers and have already cascaded the knowledge during 14 training sessions, also addressed the principle of normality.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.