Development of plan to mitigate and prevent climate change in the municipality of Miercurea-Ciuc (CLIMCONTROL)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Miercurea Ciuc Municipality City Hall(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The project''s main objective is  to increase the strategic planning capacity of Miercurea-Ciuc  Municipality''s for preventing  and adapting to climate change and identify concrete measures to mitigate the impacts. The project''s secondary objectives are:  O1 - Elaboration of diagnostic study regarding the tendencies of climate change at the municipality''s level, and their associated risks; O2- Elaboration of a plan for mitigating  and adapting to climate change at the level of municipality of Miercurea Ciuc, implementable throughout a set of concrete/pragmatic recommendation regarding future interventions; O3 - Increasing the level of information and awareness of the local community  and institutions regarding climate change, by organizing informative/awareness raising  and consultation events with interested factors; O4 - Increasing the Applicant''s  administrative ability in the field of climate change via training session and implementation of concrete prevention/adaptation methods. Thus the project directly contribute to the fulfillment of the Programme''s objectives of: (i)  increasing the local capacity of mitigating and adapting to a changing climate; (ii)  improving geographical information devices for decision factors in force. The studies and documents elaborated are following the tendencies and good practices in the field of climate change at international, national and regional levels. Also, the project follows principles and strategic guidelines, such as: (1) be relevant to the local community; (ii) be based  on modern technologies and devices, validated at the level of international strategic planning; (iii) be adjusted to the tendencies and good practices in the field of climate change; (iv) be made with the large scale implication and validation of all relevant actors involved in/affected by the future interventions proposed via the project, using participative planning instruments (applied questionnaires, work groups and public consultation). 

Summary of project results

The project implementation contributes to strengthening the capacity of the Municipality of Miercurea Ciuc regarding the implementation and application of European legislation and strategies regarding environmental protection for adaptation to climate change at the local level, by development, as main result,  ''Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy and plan in the Municipality of Miercurea Ciuc'', which purpose particular  measures, aimed at improving the planning of climate change mitigation and adaptation activities at the municipality level.The CLIMCONTROL project activities focused on: A1 - Development of a diagnostic study on medium-term climate trends and vulnerability to climate change in the project area;. The development of the study on the vulnerability to climate change in the Miercurea Ciuc Municipality led to the identification of the degree to which the territory of the Miercurea Ciuc area faces the impact of climate change, as well as the risk of its occurrence in the future. The study focuses on those indices that can highlight climate changes,being the starting point for the development of the climate change mitigation and adaptation plan.A2 - Information and consultation activities of stakeholders and target groups – 3 informative/communication meetings, 3 workshops and 1 questionnaire with report. 3 informative/communication activities  & 3 workshops were organized, a questionnaire was applied regarding the level of information of the local population in the field of climate change. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine the perception of the population regarding climate change, as well as regarding the risks to which they are exposed and their reaction in the occurrence of extreme events or risky phenomena related to climate change.The results of the consultations were introduced as recommendations / mentions in the climate change mitigation and adaptation plan.A3 - Elaboration of the climate change mitigation and prevention plan in Miercurea Ciuc Municipality. The ''Climate change mitigation and adaptation plan in the Municipality of Miercurea Ciuc'', by proposed measures, will ensure a real contribution to the national efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on different sectors of activity, but also an improvement in the management of extreme weather events that will affect the region.AC1 -  Organization of a training course for 10 employees of the Applicant in the field of climate change prevention and adaptation. Increasing the administrative capacity of the city-hall employees, by training session on concrete measures to prevent/adapt to climate change in administrative practice, creates the framework for the employees of the local administration, who manage key areas from the point of view of climate change and benefit from training, enables the application of measures to adapt/prevent the effects of climate change to have maximum efficiency. AG1 -  Project management.AG2 -  Mandatory project publicity.  AG3 - Audit of the project.

Project achieved all indicators and results assumed by Financing application. The main result of the project is the "Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy and Plan of the Municipality of Miercurea Ciuc - CLIMADAPT" ( ), The Miercurea Ciuc Municipality Council approved this strategic document (Decision No. 392/2022).

Other CLIMCONTROL Project results are:

- elaboration of a Study on vulnerability to climate change in the Municipality of Miercurea Ciuc (Activity 1);

- realization of 3  Communication/ dissemination meetings with a total number of 150 participants; (Activity 2);

- organization of 3 Workshops/ consultation working groups with a total number of 90 participants; (Activity 2);

- elaboration of the Report on the population''s perception of climate change (minimum 150 questionnaires) (Activity 2);

- development and endorsement of the ''Climate change mitigation and adaptation Plan in Miercurea Ciuc Municipality'', approved from the point of view of environmental protection (Activity 3);

- at least 10 employees trained in the field of climate change;

- creating a web-section on the project promoter''s website ( and a Facebook page for the project. The website contributed to the visibility of the project and to the increase in the number of people who come into contact with information about the project.

- 1 audit report. The financial audit report provided additional cross check information on verification of the compliance and eligibility of the expenditures made within the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.