SupportinG incReasEd knowlEdge oN rEnewable eneRgy and energy efficiency in Alba Iulia

Project facts

Project promoter:
UAT Municipality of Alba Iulia(RO)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Norsk Energi AS(NO)
Other Project Partners
Alba Local Energy Agency(RO)
Technical University of Cluj Napoca(RO)

More information



This project, led by Alba Iulia City Hall in Romania, aims to advance the sustainable development of Alba Iulia and its neighboring regions by implementing a 12-month initiative focused on raising awareness and knowledge regarding renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy security. Through training and awareness events, the project seeks to empower the local community, including public entities, SMEs, and citizens, with the understanding and skills needed to embrace and implement energy-efficient practices. By fostering a culture of sustainability and reducing energy consumption, the project not only contributes to the immediate well-being of the community but also aligns with broader EU climate and energy objectives, ultimately enhancing the region''s long-term environmental and economic resilience.

The general objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of Alba Iulia Municipality (AIM) by developing and implementing a series of training and awareness actions focused on increasing the knowledge of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security for the local community of Alba Iulia and proximity, during 12 months.

Achieving these targets requires a variety of key activities. These include:

- Training

- Project Management

- Project Publicity

- Arrangement of Green Demo Day Event


This project also enhances bilateral relations between Norway (the Donor State) and Romania (the Beneficiary State) by fostering a partnership between Norsk Energi as the Project Partner and Alba Iulia Municipality as the Project Promoter. Through a series of training sessions provided by Norsk Energi to municipal staff, local public entities, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as support for organizing the Green Demo Day and a study visit to Norway, the project boosts local knowledge in energy efficiency and management. This knowledge exchange directly strengthens the bilateral ties between Norway and Romania.

Summary of project results

This project, led by Alba Iulia City Hall in Romania, aimed to advance the sustainable development of Alba Iulia and its neighboring regions by implementing a 12-month initiative focused on raising awareness and knowledge regarding renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy security. 

During the implementation, a series of workshops and awareness raising activities were implemented. 

Through a series of training sessions for municipal staff, local public entities, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the project has increased local knowledge in energy efficiency and management. 

Summary of bilateral results

Through a series of training sessions provided by Norsk Energi to municipal staff, local public entities, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as support for organizing the Green Demo Day and a study visit to Norway, the project has contributed directly to strengthening the bilateral ties between Norway and Romania.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.