Romanian renewables case: Adoption Rate Rise

Project facts

Project promoter:
Centrul Regional pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca si Protectie Sociala(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
InnoVius AS(NO)


The project aims at educating the target group (individuals and legal entities from the private and public environment) and at raising the awareness of the general public on the use of renewable energy and on the importance of energy efficiency in the performed activity, and is also facilitating the accumulation of know-how in this specific area. The outcome of the project is increased knowledge of the target group on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security. The persons informed and trained within the project will apply in the future the knowledge acquired regarding renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The specific objectives of the project are:
- raising the awareness of 250.000 people in the area of renewable energy by the means of a media campaign and 25.000 flyers,
- schooling 150 persons in energy efficiency,
- coaching 250 persons in energy consultancy for diverse socio-professional groups,
- obtaining know-how by professional exchange with Norway, for 7 persons.

The main role of the Norwegian Partner is to support bilateral cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of renewable energy solutions. 

Summary of project results

The need to implement this project is the result of requests received by the Promoter from entities interested in courses in the field of renewable energy. The members of the Promoter (Association), together with volunteers, organized a campaign to probe the local population regarding the quality of life and the way in which the daily life is affected by the industrial activities present in the area. The conclusions of this campaign reflected the fact that people are increasingly interested in protecting the environment using renewable energy sources, and in rethinking economic activities and turning them into more environmentally friendly activities.
At the same time, the economic context and the increasing energy costs, required an education of the population in the spirit of energy saving, rational energy consumption and the formation of responsible consumer skills.

The project contributed to increased knowledge on renewable energy and energy efficiency, and also to raising the awareness of the general public about the need to adopt common practices regarding energy consumption.
There were organized the following:
- campaign to raise the awareness of the general public about renewable energy alternatives, abilities and safety use. 
- educational seminars on adoption of renewable energy and alternative energy, as well as on non-reimbursable financing.
- training sessions on renewable energy and energy efficiency, examples and demonstrations of good practice in the production and consumption of renewable energy.
- study visit to Norway.

Expected outcomes:
a) Level of self-reported desirability for renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security: 5 (scale: 1-low, 7-high)
b) Level of self-reported knowledge on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security: 5 (scale: 1-low, 7-high)
c) Number of people self-reporting enhanced capacity/skills related to renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security: 150 
d) Number of people self-reporting on improved knowledge related to renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security: 195 

Expected outputs:
a) Number of awareness raising campaigns: 1
b) Number of people completing comprehensive (more than 2 days) trainings on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security implemented: 195
c) Number of people completing short (less than 2 days) trainings on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security implemented: 150
d) Number of people reached by the awareness raising on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security: 505.791

Summary of bilateral results

The main role of the Norwegian Partner was to support bilateral cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of renewable energy solutions. The Norwegian Partner has also contributed to the organization and promotion of the training events, and was also involved in the organization of the study visit to Norway.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.