Poiana Rusca SHPP

Project facts

Project promoter:
Societatea de Producere a Energiei Electrice in Hidrocentrale ""Hidroelectrica"" S.A.(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The main objective of the project is development of hydropower potential downstream Poiana Rusca dam in a new automated small hydro power plant.

The project will have no negative influence on the environment during the operation phase. The new capacity will use hydro resources with a zero-greenhouse gas emissions energy production process. The technical solution proposed will use the latest solutions and technologies available on the market, with maximum efficiency and operational safety, the equipment being fully compliant with all the current regulations in the technical and environmental field and applicable legislation.

For the development of the discharged water flow, it is proposed to install a hydro unit equipped with a Francis turbine on the existing reserve flow discharge pipeline attached to the Poiana Rusca dam. Key activities of the project include:

  • Design and technical assistance.
  • Investment, constructions and installations.
  • Internal project management.
  • Financial audit.
  • Publicity to ensure the visibility of the project.

Expected outcomes of the project includes an estimated annual CO2 emission reduction by 470 tonnes and energy produced yearly is estimated to be around 1.534,34 MWh/year. The installed capacity for production of hydropower electricity will be 0,281 MW. The project will require training 3 employees on operation and maintenance.

The implementation of this project will have a strong and positive social impact on long and short term, in the context of current EU decarbonisation policies, which aim to reduce the share of energy produced from the use of fossil fuels and use the available renewable resources. 
The project is fully aligned with the objective of the Energy Programme in Romania - “Less carbon intensive energy and increased security of supply” and will contribute directly to the indicators mentioned in the Call for Proposals.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.