The modernization of public lighting network in Celaru commune, Dolj County

Project facts

Project promoter:
Celaru Commune(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:

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The main objective of this project is execution of works on the rehabilitation of the public lighting system with the reduction of energy consumption and decrease of CO2 emissions. The specific objective is to decrease the annual consumption of energy in the public lighting in the commune of Celaru from 293,34 MWh/year to 81,91 MWh/year by creating a new public lighting system in the area targeted by the project with 1.317 LED lamps.

The total length of the electric street lighting network included in the project is 52,6 km. The energy saving obtained from this project is estimated to be around 72% per year. Key activities of the project include:

  • Project management which includes technical details and financial audit.
  • Investment activities.
  • Publicity to ensure the visibility of the project.

Expected outcomes of the project include a CO2 equivalent emission reduction per year of 65 tonnes. The results of the project will have a positive impact on the development of the Celaru commune on the basis of the savings that will be registered by the reduction of the electricity costs and CO2 emissions.

Summary of project results

The total length of the electric street lighting network included in the project is 52,6 km (31 streets in Celaru village, 10 streets in Ghizdavesti village, 12 streets in Marotinu de Jos village, 20 streets in Marotinu de Sus village and 29 streets in Soreni village, part of Celaru Commune). Regarding the expected outcomes, such as estimated annual CO2 emission reductions, reduction of energy consumption in MWh/Year and annual savings from energy efficiency measures will be provided by the Promoter in the Annual Project Report submitted by 15 January 2024, since the project has just finished and the results will be seen after a year after the project implementation.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.