Performing energy audit at production facilities in Apahida

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Sunimprof Rottaprint has production facilities in Apahida and they have seen the energy consumption increase in the recent years. This is mainly due to the expanding activity and to some less energy efficient machinery. The increase in the price of electricity and gas led to a significant increase of the maintenance expenditures of the production facilities which diminishes the amounts allocated to the investing projects. Taking into account these developments. as well as the increasing trend of energy prices, the company has started a program to reduce energy consumption by investing in more performing energy efficiency equipment.

The main objective of the project is to perform an energy audit at company production facilities in Apahida. The first step is to identify the possible energy efficiency improvements. Subsequently, it is planned to submit a project to finance the energy efficiency measures identified in the audit. Performing an industrial energy audit makes it possible to save raw materials, energy, optimizing the manufacturing process or raising the company''s profits and increase competitiveness. 

By implementing the energy efficiency measures identified in the energy audit, the company estimates to decrease their energy consumption by 8-15%. The company also estimates to reduce CO2 emissiosn by 100-180 tonnes yearly.

Summary of project results

Energy Audit Report at company production facilities in Apahida to identify the possible energy efficiency improvements.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.