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This mobility project responds to the strategic policy of internationalisation of the University of Craiova which aims at increasing the number of staff and student exchange mobility through enhancing international activities carried out by beneficiaries from our institution and the partner universities (in this case from Donor States, e.g. Norway and Iceland). Thus, the mobility project will provide the corresponding training for both academic and administrative staff members and students in order to improve their skills and competences and increase their performance level. This project will also provide the appropriate framework for the modernisation and internationalisation of academic activities through experience and best practice exchanges that can be then implemented in partner institutions. The mobility activities will also contribute to the improvement and development of academic programmes, in terms of curricular areas, and the structure and contents of the existing courses, respectively. The professional development of staff members through inter-institutional mobility activities will lead to the development of new practices that ensure internationalisation at home which is beneficial both to the academic staff and to the students. Furthermore, the quality of the academic activities of the staff involved in the mobility project will provide us with the necessary opportunities in order to inform our partners about the excellence in teaching and research areas at the University of Craiova, which should lead to an increase in terms of incoming student and staff mobilities.
Summary of project results
The mobility project was needed both for institutional purpose (enhanced cooperation with universities in Norway and Iceland, increasement of the number of exchange mobilities and international activities carried out by participants from the university and for ensuring the performance level provided by the appropriate training of participants, in order to improve their skills and competences.
One of the challenges faced during the implementation of this mobility project at the University of Craiova was the lack of outbound and especially inbound student candidates. Decreasing students’ interest in international mobility is an issue that raises institutional problems for the university.
During the selection process they did not encounter any organizational problems. Moreover, the Department of International Relations and the persons in charge with International relations from the faculties involved in the EEA Grants Mobility Project at institutional level, respectively the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, the Faculty of Letters, the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education and the Faculty of Social Sciences have made every effort to inform perspective participants regarding the mobility opportunities. Information sessions on the ESAYEP Programme funded through the EEA Grants 2014-2021 were held during the Erasmus+ information campaign organized and held at the University of Craiova.
The institutions involved in mobility activities worked together in order to encourage collaboration in education areas of mutual interest. The academic exchanges allowed the enhancement of each party’s educational and academic programmes. This has encouraged exchange of information, best practices and academic materials in fields of mutual interest.
During the mobility project, six outbound staff mobilities and four inbound staff mobilities were undertaken. The program and the activities included in the mobility plan of each participant were respected, thus achieving the objectives proposed for each mobility. The results of these enriching experiences were and will be sustained and propagated within the University of Craiova, through enhanced knowledge and will ensure internationalization at home for a long-term which is beneficial both for the students and to the academic staff.
Unfortunately, no students mobilities were undertaken.
output: facilitated learning agreement in HE (students and staff) between BS and DS
Number of staff from beneficiary states in exchanges (disaggregated by gender and Donor State) NO-2; IS-4
Number of staff from donor states in exchanges (disaggregated by gender and Donor State) NO-2; IS-2
This project responded to the strategic direction of the internationalization policy of the University of Craiova, aiming at the intensification of mobility activities. Throughout this initiative, the institutions involved in the mobility activities have worked together in order to encourage collaboration in education areas of mutual interest.
The impact and the results of the academic project at institutional level and the good practices acquired in this context by the participants will be disseminated to other partners of the involved actors, thus achieving an enhanced propagation and visibility, as well as a wider pool for further international cooperation.
Outcome: improved skills and competences of staff and students in HE - Number of ECTS credits received ed by the students in the mobility projects - 0
Share of staff who declare improved skills/ competencies in their field - 10
Summary of bilateral results
The donor project partners provided support to foster academic exchange and international cooperation. The partners from Donor states actively contributed to drawing the realistic and achievable objectives and to transposing them into practice through common actions. Moreover, the partnership achieved mutual enrichment, with participants exploring new technical and academic methods. The donor project partners used state-of-the-art technical and professional resources. All the required support (administrative staff, procedures and logistics) was provided for the elaboration, submission and implementation of the project.