2021-EY-PCVET-0017 Innovative approaches in learning the trade at work

Project facts

Project promoter:
Colegiul Tehnic ”George Barițiu” Baia Mare(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Intercultural Association Mobility Friends(PT)


The project "Innovative approaches in learning the trade at work" carried out by the Technical College "George Baritiu" (CTGB) in partnership with the economic agent GO SERV SRL, has as general objective to improve the quality and relevance of vocational training of students in correlation with the needs of the labor market.

The specific objectives of the project are:

1. Development of new perspectives in the management of the school-company relationship, with the integration of international aspects

2. Training of professionals responsible for the practical training of students in the field of Electronics.

The project includes a 5-day study visit to Portugal, which will be attended by 8 representatives of the Technical College "George Baritiu" and 3 representatives of GO SERV SRL, the main partner of the school in providing internship for students of high school enrolled in the level 4 qualification "Computer Technician Operator Technician" in the field of Automation Electronics.

The external partner in the project is the Intercultural Association Mobility Friends, a non-profit organization. The program of the study visit will include activities at the VET Secondary School of Rocha Peixoto, in Póvoa de Varzim and at 3 companies in Barcelos, where the students of the school carry out practical training: Motorline Electrocelos, PAQ Lda, Servipoli Lda.

Project tangible results:

- 1 Local Development Curriculum for the 10th grade, level 4 qualifications in the field of Automation Electronics

- 1 methodical guide with 8 learning activities and 4 evaluation tools for modules included in the curriculum of the qualification "Technical computer operator"

 - 1 revised Institutional Development Plan

 1 plan of measures to improve the learning results acquired by students in the practical training courses carried out at companies

- 2 new partnerships concluded by school with companies for students internship.

Summary of project results

The project "Innovative approaches in learning the trade at the workplace" aimed to improve the quality and relevance of the professional training of the students from George Baritiu Technical College (CTGB) in correlation with the needs of the labor market and the demands of employers, for an easy and fast integration of the graduates on the labor market, after obtaining the professional training certificate.The specific objectives of the project:1. The development of new perspectives in the management of the school-economic agent relationship, with the integration of international aspects2. The training of professionals responsible for the practical training of students in the field of Electronics and automation with skills and abilities for an innovative approach of their practice at the workplace Improving student placements is an essential step to ensure an easier transition from education to career. Thus, the need that was the basis of the project was the improvement of the quality of the practical training courses of VET students from the qualification of Computer Operator Technician at the economic agent partner.In this context, our aim was the development of new perspectives in the management of the school-economic agent relationship, with the integration of international aspects and the development of skills for an innovative approach of practice at the workplace, both of the practice tutors from the partner company and for VET teaching staff, the field of Automation Electronics from Technical College George Barițiu.The main difficulties encountered by college and the partner company in the organization of quality internships derive from the presence of some problems that refer to both specific aspects of economic operators, the particularities of the school, and also the social and family context where the young people come from. Similar to the difficulties noticed within the company, teachers also do not benefit from access to specific training in the field of Automation Electronics, which would expose them to a modern teaching approach in the practical activities carried out with students at the workplace or give them the opportunity to practice these models . Other deficient aspects is related to the disinterest of young people towards this field, due to the lack of knowledge of the employment opportunities they have upon completing their studies,

The activities carried out in the project: the launch of the project, the selection of participants to the study visit, the study visit, the creation of the products and the dissemination of the project products.A total of 11 people participated in the study visit to School VET Secundária de Rocha Peixoto, in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, including: 6 VET teaching staff, the manager of the school, 1 English language teacher, the manager of the economic agent GOSERV and 2 representatives of the economic agent partner of the project, carrying out training activities and job shadowing activities at companies (Motorline Electrocelos, PAQ Lda, Servipoli Lda. , Fererolux Lda, and EACTECH Lda,) from Portugal, which provide training
As a result of the activities carried out, there was a transfer of good practices taken from the Portuguese educational system of professional training, to be implemented within Technical College George Barițiu as well as at the partner economic agent (SC GOSERV SRL).Following the study visit, the participants, VET teachers from CTGB together with the representatives of the economic agent collaborated for the realization of the project''s products.The visibility of the project and the dissemination of the products were achieved according to the communication/dissemination planDissemination activities of the project: presentation of the project, its objectives and activities during the meetings of the Teacher''s Council, creation of the project website, PPT presentations within the pedagogical circles, meetings of the curricular area Technologies, lectures with parents, participation in conferences, workshops and the project closing conference.The activities carried out within the project were extremely effective and helped to achieve the proposed objectives.

The main intangible results:-100% of the VET teachers participating in the study visit improved their competences and skills in carrying out the didactic approach with the use of modern teaching methods and the use of ICT in the practical training and technological laboratory activities carried out at CTGB-100% of the practice tutors participating in the study visit developed their tutoring skills regarding monitoring and mentoring students in the practical activities carried out at the workplace-86,521% of the school''s students declare that they have improved their learning results obtained during the internships carried out at companies, compared to the internships in the previous yearsThe main tangible results:- 11 participants with certificates of participation in a study visit carried out in Portugal in a VET institution; 1 Memorandum of Understanding; 1 revised CDL for the 10th grade of high school, all level 4 qualifications in the field - Automation Electronics from the "George Baritiu" Technical College; 1 methodical guide with 8 learning activities and 4 evaluation tools for modules included in the curriculum of the qualification "Technical computer operator"; 1 revised Institutional Development Plan – for high schools/technological colleges being called the School Action Plan (PAS);  1 plan of measures to improve the learning results acquired by students in the practical training courses held at economic agents. These products contribute to increasing the quality of students'' internships and therefore to increasing our students’ training, which will help them to better integrate them into the labor market.  One of the benefits of this project was to provide a time and space in which the teaching staff responsible for the practical training internships could work together with the representatives of the economic agent to discuss relevant aspects for the practical training internships and how it can be made more efficient in the future. Moreover, the study visits abroad can be considered immediate benefits for the economic agent, which thus has the chance to develop new skills and competences, as well as to widen its network of economic partners.The involvement of the practice tutors from SC GOSERV SRL in the study visit gave them the opportunity to get to know good practice models of economic agents that provide practical training internships at the School VET Secundária de Rocha Peixoto, in Póvoa de Varzim in Portugal.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.