Project facts

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The project "LEARNING EXPERIENCES IN THE TECHNICAL FIELD AT EUROPEAN LEVEL" is a project of European cooperation and short-term mobility, in the field of VET .

The aim of the project is to ensure a quality work based learning for students. Also, the project aims to strengthen the relationship between school - student – companies and to obtain an environment conducive to learning,  the development and use of skills and practical abilities of students from the professional qualification WAITER IN FOOD UNITS, TOURISM AND FOOD qualification level III.

Mobility participants will carry out job-shadowing activities, participate in workshops and seminars on the vocational training system in Portugal.

The objectives to be achieved by implementing this project are:

1. Improving the teaching-learning act by training teachers

2. Supporting the development of professional skills for 6 specialized teachers in the field of Tourism and Food and 3 representatives of the economic agent, one from the management department and 2 internship tutors

3. Encourage learning outside the classroom, through practical training, in order to increase the motivation to provide high quality services on the labor market .

The participants are 6 specialized teachers from the Technological High School no. 1 Câmpulung Moldovenesc, including the school principal and the English teacher, 2 practical training tutors and a representative of the management department, representatives of the economic agent, company SC. PRO TITIN SA.

Projects rezults: updating with new contents, methods and means of teaching-evaluation of the CDLs for practical training for the field of Tourism and food, the first, second and third year of study.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to ensure a quality education, at European standards, for the teaching staff from the Tourism and Food specialization and for the students doing practical work. We had in mind the correlation of the skills acquired by the graduates with the demands of the labor market and the optimization of the professional skills of the teaching staff in order to increase the motivation for learning of the students. The problems encountered by the school unit in organizing students'' internships were based on the difficulties of putting theoretical knowledge into practice and the poor adaptation of students to the specific conditions of each economic agent. The companies also face the lack of qualified personnel, able to perform work tasks with professionalism and dedication. Therefore, through this project, we proposed the implementation of an improved model of internships carried out at economic agents, which would raise the level of training of graduates in order to meet the requirements of employers and a better integration of graduates into the labor market.

The activities carried out in the project they were diverse and included training and information, communication and organizational activities. The communicated with partners were through audio-video means, physically, but also in writing by signing documents throughout the project. The school  cooperated with partner institutions for the implementation and dissemination common activities throughout the project period. The linguistic training of the participants also took place, for a duration of 50 hours, completed with the obtaining of a language certificate. Other activities were those related to the realization of the communication plan, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Job shadowing activities were carried out for the 6 participating VET teachers and 3 representatives of the management team of the partner company in the northern region of Portugal (Esposende, Barcelos, Braga), during the period 24-28.10.2022, they enriching their the professional, intercultural experience and that of the English language knowledge specific to the specialization, together with the performance of the learning mobility and the receipt of the certificates.

Were carried out initial, intermediate and final reports, information and dissemination sessions, teaching-learning-evaluation activities, in which new, interactive, student-centered methods were used, CDLs for the field of Tourism and food were improved, at the institution level. The project had a particular impact on the participating members, the representatives of the economic partner, the exchange of experience being a rich one, with observation activities at the workplace, with work meetings and practical activities aimed at the practical training activity and how to carry it out, with visits to different public catering units in the visited area. The activities carried out within the framework of learning mobility strengthened the cooperation at the European level between the partner institutions, as well as between the school and the partner economic agent, the comparison of the two work systems in the two countries bringing the participants a new breath, a changed vision regarding doing internships. The intercultural experience led to the increase of the self-esteem of the participants and the desire to improve, they became aware of the benefits of these exchanges of experience. In this way, the participants had the opportunity to implement the knowledge and skills acquired in the realization of the practical internships and the curricular documents to be implemented from this school year, ensuring the facilitation of the transition and integration of the graduates in the labor market, in a percentage of 80% in this year compared to 60% in the past. Another tangible result of the project was the holding of the Summer Camp "Waiter in the making", between June 22-30, 2023, at one of the premises of the project partner SC PRO TITIN SA, as part of the Culinary Art Festival. The camp brought a plus of value to the 30 participating students, the teachers and the organizers of the internships through the diversity of activities and the sharing of experiences with culinary experts  Good practice workshops were held, as well as personal development activities, The results of the project will bring more visibility to the school within the community local, which will lead to an increase in the number of direct beneficiaries who will choose the specialization Waiter salesperson in public catering establishments. The collaboration protocol with the partner SC PRO TITIN SA was renewed, ensuring the professional insertion of the most skilled students.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.