2021-EY-PICR-0006 - School for All, School for Everyone!

Project facts

Project promoter:
VOLO EDU Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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The VOLO EDU Association is leading a five schools consortium from Dolj and Valcea Counties to ensure the civic competences for pupils in partner schools, for an effective inclusion of all children, regardless their ethnicity. The project addresses a number of 70 teachers, 75 parents and guardians and 250 students from these five schools, where the percentage of Roma children being 54%, on average. The activities start with the training of teachers who also work with Roma children and continue with awareness and learning activities for the parents and guardians and non-formal activities for pupils. Thus, not only do all children participate jointly in the organized actions, but the children''s teachers are also involved, together with their parents and guardians.

The specific objectives of the project are: (OS1) To increase the communication capacity of teachers in an environment with pupils of different ethnicities, religions and social situations, (OS2) to increase the capacity for recognition and acceptance of parents / guardians of pupils from the target group in terms of diversity, (OS3) Creating a diverse cultural environment in schools, for the integration of pupils in the target group, (OS3) to implement non-formal activities for all children, out of whom 52% Roma,  for the development of their social skills and attitudes.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.