2021-EY-PICR-0004 - An Inclusive School for Us!

Project facts

Project promoter:
ARES''EL Association(RO)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The consortium consisting of: the ARESEL Association and five partner schools from disadvantaged communities in Prahova County is aiming at ensuring the social inclusion of their Roma children in the school community. The objectives of the project are: Ob1: Improving skills on of Roma children inclusion by training 72 teachers in partner schools  in areas related to inclusive schooling and teaching in a multicultural environment, democracy and education for active citizenship, human / child rights , tolerance, anti-discrimination, within 12 months. Ob 2: Ensuring the quality of training on social inclusion by developing 3 curricula and 3 teaching materials on an inclusive and multicultural environment ,within 8 months. Ob3: Raising awareness on social inclusion and anti-discrimination among 120 parents (Roma and non-Roma) in partner schools by organizing joint parenting sessions for a period of 12 months. Ob4: Ensuring access to joint awareness and skill development activities on social inclusion for 240 students (Roma and non-Roma) from partner schools  by participating in workshops for inclusion and development of social skills for a period of 12 months. 

Summary of project results

The project "An Inclusive School for Us" was implemented by the  ARES''EL Association in 5 schools from Prahova County. The problems identified among the school units were related to the lack of preparation of the education methods to the existing diversity; the teaching staff did not have sufficient knowledge and experience regarding the intercultural education, ethnic diversity, social inclusion; the lack of sufficient resources for the development of quality actions, fighting segregation and discrimination, etc.

The activities within the project:

- teacher training activities on anti-discrimination and equal chances, on inclusive education and teaching in an multicultural environment,  on social, civic and participatory democracy skills, on IT skills;

- parental education sessions, inclusion and anti-discrimination workshops for parents;

- workshops on inclusion and social skills for children;

- elaboration of curricula on identity, IT,  diversity, inclusion,  multiculturality and discrimination for the partner schools

were designed and implemented to become solutions to the previously stated problems and to contribute to the inclusion of children in the school community.

The short-term results of the project were: 5 school units involved in the project as partner schools; 72 teachers trained on topics related to student-centered teaching, inclusive school and teaching in a multicultural environment, democracy and education for active citizenship, human/child rights, discrimination; 3 curricula and 3 didactic materials developed regarding inclusion and the multicultural environment; 120 Roma and non-Roma parents participating in joint awareness-raising activities regarding parental education and discrimination; 240 Roma and non-Roma students participating in common extracurricular activities regarding inclusion and social skills development; 90% increase in the percentage of teachers from partner school units  who declare developed or improved skills / competences related to the inclusion of Roma children; 15% reduction of the percentage of Roma students from the partner school units, participating in the project, who felt discriminated by teachers and colleagues; 90% increase of the satisfaction rate of children who participate in common activities regarding inclusion and social skills development (5 Photovoice exhibitions, 5 thematic trips, 240 students receiving school supplies).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.