2021-EY-PCVET-0010 Together for quality training

Project facts

Project promoter:
Liceul Tehnologic Astra(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Distributie Energie Oltenia SA(RO)
Escola Profissional do Montijo(PT)


The project "Together, for a quality professional training!" is in line with the school''s mission to provide quality educational services, to train students who will acquire specialized skills and abilities, communication, teamwork, good users of technical language by ensuring an adequate educational infrastructure, with modern and efficient teaching aids.

Project objectives: To develop the skills of teachers and internship mentors in order to improve the quality of learning of the students;  Representative curriculum development and improvement, adaptation of CDLs developed by school teachers in collaboration with practical economic partners adapted to the needs of the labour market; Development of working tools for internships

The qualifications targeted in the project are in the mechanical field: welder and operator of numerically controlled machines (CNC).

The study visit will last 8 days. After returning from the visit, the participants will develop the following products:6 CDL and teaching materials, internship notebooks, internship guides.

Summary of project results

The project "Together for Quality Vocational Training!" was developed in accordance with the School''s Mission to provide quality educational services, to train students who will acquire specialized skills and abilities, communication, vocational training, teamwork and opportunities to acquire a complex technical language by providing modern educational means at European standards. Due to the lack of qualified personnel on the labour market, the deficient practical training of VET students, this project has reached a pressing need to improve the quality of students'' learning in practical training, which is the main reason for writing the above mentioned project. Currently there is an acute shortage of qualified personnel on the labour market.The demand for labour and the need for vocational training at regional level and especially at the level of LTA partners, the importance of conducting practical internships and on-the-job learning for students in vocational and technical education was another reason for initiating this project. Astra Technological High School is and has been concerned with quality assurance in education from the perspective of correlating educational results with the needs formulated on the labour market as specified also at European level where the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training - EQAVET operates. In the application form, the qualification area for which the project was initially addressed was only the mechanical one, in the course of time, by changing the economic partner, we covered two more qualification areas, namely: The initial partner economic agent, as it appears in the application form, was S.C. METABET C.F. S.A, with the qualification field to which the project was addressed - mechanic, welder and numerical control machine operator qualifications.It was replaced, for reasons independent of any party''s will, with another partner economic agent: S.C. DISTRIBUTIE ENERGIE OLTENIA S.A, for which we train students in the electrical and electronic and automation field. It was the first challenge, which we overcame with flying colours, out of a series of other challenges that came our way. The deliverables were developed in line with this change, and the group of teachers participating in the study visit was adapted to include both the mechanical field as foreseen in the project application form, as well as electrical and electronics and automation.

Through the participation in the study visit of the two representatives of the economic agent from . S.C. DISTRIBUTIE ENERGIE OLTENIA S.A, the existing problems at the level of effective training of our students during the internships and facilitating the real practical skills and abilities for future employment of our students were brought to the surface and helped to a future more productive cooperation between education and the labour market. Live and at European standards, not only the teachers who participated in the study visit, but especially the representatives of our economic partner S.C. DISTRIBUTIE ENERGIE OLTENIA S.A., saw how the internships are carried out and what are the preliminary and preliminary steps for improving the quality of learning at work. They were able to clearly assess where we are at that moment and where we need to go in the development of internships to European standards. The core of this project is the development of internships and only through an efficient cooperation between the school and the economic agent we can achieve it.Thus, in the period 15.01.2023 - 22.01.2023 (initially, the study visit was supposed to take place in the period 30.10.2022-6.11.2022, but the host organization did NOT have availability for this period), the mobility of 5 teachers of technical subjects, a principal, an English teacher from ASTRA Technological High School in Pitesti, together with two specialist engineers from the economic operator S.C. Distribuție Energie Oltenia S.A., took place in Portugal, in the framework of the project "Together for Quality Vocational Training", under the PROGRAMME FOR EDUCATION, SCHOLARSHIPS, EDUCATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN ROMANIA, 2021-EY-PCVET-0010. The project responded to the needs of increasing the quality of education and vocational training in our school by:- personal, professional and social development of VET school students and making the transition of future graduates from school to work more efficient- improving the professional and personal skills of teachers of technology subjects and managers in VET schoolsStudy visits for one week to the host partner in the Project, Escola Profissional do Montijo, and to other educational institutions in the Montijo area, Portugal, which train students in both mechanical and electrical and electronic fields and automation: Prenso Metal, Metalomecanica Metal Conser, Centro "Soldatura e procesos".

Despite the difficulties and challenges encountered during this project, the high school has now gained a productive and measurable experience in improving the quality of learning in the workplace. The deliverables produced in the project now cover three of our high school''s five skill areas, although the project was originally written for the mechanical field only. As main tangible results of the Project "Together for Quality Vocational Training":- The learning results are valorised by the beneficiaries through the application in the classroom of the methods and strategies learned- The teachers together with the representatives of the partner economic agent S.C. DISTRIBUTIE ENERGIE OLTENIA S.A. have valorized the knowledge and skills acquired and by producing 15 deliverables containing theoretical references and practical examples useful for the development of the internships at European level. - All the deliverables can be found on the project website and can be easily accessed by other teachers in the school, outside the school and in the community. The following results were obtained: • All 7 teachers participating in the study visit declared that they developed skills/competences. • The 2 representatives of the partner economic agent participating in the study visit declared that they have developed skills regarding the organization of students'' internships. • A total of 9 people participated in the study visit. • There are no Roma students in the school. • They were achieved : o 6 CDL, 5 for the eleventh grade vocational school, qualifications: electrician, numerical control machine operator, electronics technician, welder and mechanical locksmith, and 1 CDL in English; o 5 practice books attached to CDLs; o 2 evaluation guides, one for the mechanical profile and the other for the electrical profile; o a dictionary of technical terms; o a practice guide • 416 students (64%), out of the total number of 650 students in the VET classes, declared that they obtained better learning results during the internships than in previous years.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.