2021-EY-PCVET-0001 Good practices for optimizing internships for the integration of car mechanics on the labor market

Project facts

Project promoter:
Colegiul Tehnic ""Lațcu Vodă"" Siret(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners


The main objective of the project is to ensure the employment of school graduates for the labor market by optimizing internships.

Specific objectives:Development of organizational skills for organizing quality internships; Improving the quality of learning in the workplace of students in our school, for a better optimization of practical skills related to the requirements of the labor market will be achieved by facilitating the exchange of experience between our school, the economic agent S.C. VIV Auto Service and similar institutions in Greece.

The main goal is to develop the professional skills of the practice tutors and VET teachers participate in the project for the development of practical training internships. The project aims to improve the quality of vocational and technical education in Siret with an impact on the integration of our graduates into the labor market. The project includes a study visit to Greece. The agenda of the study visit is to offer an international experience by visiting local companies and institutions in the field, able to offer participants examples of good practices for the practical training of students in the field of car mechanics. Participants visit the VET school, the vocational training center, in companies with a mechanical partner car profile, to perform their professional skills on new technologies in car construction, analysis of work activities on site and exchange of good practices with local professionals. The study visit will be attended by 12 people, VET teachers, the unit manager, the English teacher and representatives of the economic agent, between October 31 and November 7, 2022. Project activities will present EEA benefit projects in the development of VET schools as well as good practice activities for the development of internships in order to integrate into the labor market.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project is to ensure the placement on the labor market of school graduates by optimizing internships. Specific objectives:• the development of organizational skills for the organization of quality internships• the development of work-based learning methods through practical activities to integrate students into the labor market• development of professional components for students from the auto mechanic qualification• developing the capacity for cooperation with Greek institutions.Improving the quality of on-the-job learning of students in our school, for a better optimization of practical skills related to the requirements of the labor market, will be achieved by facilitating the exchange of experience between our school, the economic agent S.C. VIV Auto Service and similar institutions in Greece.The main goal was to develop the professional skills of practice tutors and VET teachers participating in the project for conducting practical training courses. The project aimed at improving the quality of professional and technical education in Siret with an impact on the integration of our graduates on the labor market.

The project included a study visit to Greece. The agenda of the study visit offered an international experience by visiting local companies and institutions in the field, providing participants with examples of good practices for the practical training of students in the automotive mechanic field. The participants visited the VET school, the vocational training center and partner car mechanic companies, thus improving their professional skills regarding new technologies in car construction, on-site work activities and the exchange of best practices with local professionals took place. The study visit was attended by 12 people, VET teachers, the unit manager, the English teacher and representatives of the partner company. The main activities in the project has been:

Creation of project visibility materials – Rollup, banner, posters.
Linguistic training for study visit participants.
Survey based on a questionnaire regarding the degree of satisfaction of the students regarding the learning obtained in the internships for practical training in companies.
Drawing up the training agreement according to the agenda of the study visit and the objective of the project together with the partner economic agent and the external partner from Greece.
Monitoring and evaluation of the activity was carried out by the project coordinator
Study visit
Development of project products.
Information/training activity, activity at the level of the Suceava School Inspectorate in which 59 people participated, specialist VET inspectors from ISJ Suceava, teachers who teach the VET discipline from the county, practical tutors of economic agents with whom we have a collaboration contract.
Pedagogical circle attended by 46 people, VET specialist inspectors from ISJ Suceava, teachers who teach the VET discipline from the county.

The project was relevant to the intended target groups and satisfactorily relevant to the partner institutions. The objectives were achieved and all the proposed results were achieved, at a satisfactory level of quality.
• All 9 teachers participating in the study visit declared that they developed skills/competences.
• The 3 representatives of the partner economic agent participating in the study visit declared that they have developed skills regarding the organization of students'' internships.
• A total of 12 people participated in the study visit.
• There are no Roma students in the school.
•    They were achieved :
o 1 Curriculum in Local Development (CDL) for class XI, car mechanic;
o learning  agreement for students work based learning;
o Worksheets;
o Evaluation sheets;
o 405 students (93.1%), out of the total number of 435 students in the VET classes, declared that they obtained better learning results during the internships than in previous years.
All project activities have been carried out as per the application. Products were made as set out in the application. The project contributed, to a certain extent, to strengthening the institutional capacity and the international dimension of the applicant. It is good that the daily activities of the tutor and students are detailed in the Collection. Participants received Europass mobility documents.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.