21-COP-0038 - Innovative methods needed by teaching and research staff for AI data analysis and processing

Project facts

Project promoter:
""George Emil Palade"" University of Medicine, Farmacy, Science and Technologyof Targu Mures(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:


Currently, data collected by various means may have a different structure or format, even if it refers to the same sizes of interest.  Unfortunately, this data is not presented in a standardized format, which leads to difficulties when it comes to using it in an integrated form.  AI provides a feasible solution that can respond to the above challenges. Although specialized literature and technical reports feature many successful solutions, specialists in the field are a scarce resource. The solution to this problem is teaching and accustoming trainers with new methods of AI data processing.

The implementation of AI data processing techniques allows both university teachers and students to make predictive models that are very important in personalized medicine. An online course will be created through this transfer, which will allow other trainers or students to improve in this field, which is of great interest. The online course that will be posted on the project website will involve the application of new technologies that will allow for friendly, fast and easy access to the material and content, guiding the user to the appropriate materials, according to each individual situation (eg: making a model that involves medical tests and a model that only involves information about the patient).
Also with the help of the partner, a seminar will be held in which the working methods and the stages for AI data processing will be presented. With the knowledge acquired, the trainers will be able to improve their teaching methods and the course content, by using the data obtained through AI processing. 
This project is important for the university because it allows the realization of a predictive and preventive model using AI. The importance of this project for the partner is found in the possibility to perform tests on the programs they have developed with real medical data.

Summary of project results

In medicine, and not only, there is an abundance of data that must be processed in order to be interpreted. Big data processing in medicine is a challenge nowadays. The technological development of the last period led to the creation of new innovative technologies. One of these innovative technologies is artificial intelligence (AI). Through this project, the possibility of processing raw medical data with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was pursued. In this way, correlations between various analyses can be identified and even causal elements can be found for various medical pathologies.

The project  partners elaborate a online course with video materials (easy to be applied in practice) on processing the analysed medical data and interpreting the results, develop a Data Processing Guide providing instructions how to adapt medical data to be processed with the help of AI algorithms,  and elaborate two scientific articles, all with reference to the methods of processing raw medical data with the help of AI technology. 

The skills developed by attending the online course, allow trainers and students to improve in the field, thus extending the insufficient number of existing specialists in the field.  During the one day seminar organised in the project, the participants (the project promoter'' students and teachers) processed their data with the help of AI. The implementation of AI data processing techniques allows both university teachers and students to make predictive models that are very useful in personalized medicine.

The course prepared in the form of video materials, organized in the form of 6 tutorials, offers a material support that is easy to apply in practice for the processing of the analyzed medical data and the interpretation of the results.
The guide was developed with the aim of providing instructions for people who want to condition and adapt medical data in such a way that it can be processed with the help of AI algorithms.
The articles created within the project present a description of some AI algorithms that can be used to process medical data, but also an article where we applied these algorithms to identify the lifestyle of pregnant women.
The beneficiaries of the project, both those familiar with or in first contact with the technologies offered by the field of AI, declared themselves impressed by the varied possibilities and the impressive results that can be obtained, both for simple and complex problems. The increase in interest among teachers and students for the application of these tools in professional activity was noted. The knowledge and use of such tools in the didactic and research activity was accepted as a premise that leads to the development of professional and personal competencies and skills.

Summary of bilateral results

The project benefitted from having a Norwegian donor partner whose knowledge in the area of  of smart data and AI data processing was shared during the project with the teachers and students of the project promoters. Access to new methods and processes was ensured through the donor partner, 2 joint articles were developed and new contacts with the network of the donor partner were established. Access to relevant datasets was also facilitated.Shared results include the course, the guide and the 2 joint scientific articles, which led to improved knowledge and understanding in the area of knowledge representation and AI.Bilateral collaboration will continue through a visit of the donor partner to the host partner in Romania and a planned joint project proposal for Horizon Europe program in autumn 2023.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.