2021-EY-PMIP-0014 - 4C for Democratic Citizenship - Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking

Project facts

Project promoter:
Mehedinti Teaching Staff House (CCD Mehedinti)(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


In the context of continental decline of confidence in democratic mechanisms, education for democratic citizenship, human rights and diversity have a key role to play in promoting pro-European and pro-democratic values, they are a shield against growing violence, racism, extremism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance.

The “4CforDC” project funded by the “Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship” Program - EEA Grants 2014-2021, through ANPCDEFP aims to raise awareness and train trainers and teachers on teaching controversial issues related to addressing diversity, democracy and rights man.

The objectives of the "4CforDC" project are:

1) Increasing the degree of European institutional development of CCD MH by facilitating 9 learning mobilities in the donor states, in 2 flows, 5 mobilities in Norway and 4 in Iceland, organized between May and November 2022 by 2 providers of learning activities, with experience and expertise in the areas of competence covered by the project.

2) Improving the competences in the field of democracy, human rights and social inclusion, but also the competences of their integration in the specialized field - for the 9 CCD MH trainers participating in the 9 learning mobilities in the donor states, NO and IS, organized between May - November 2022.

3) Adequacy of the CCD training offer to the needs of teachers and their students, by introducing in the educational offer of the school year 2021-2022, 2 courses, 24-hours/ training program approved by the Ministry of Education, proposed by the 9 participants in the learning activities in NO and IS.

50 rural teachers, indirect beneficiaries of the project, as well as other teachers trained at CCD MH and their students, will form a set of skills in the field of democratic citizenship, human rights, diversity and social inclusion to build a democratic school environment and inclusive.

Summary of project results

The candidature proposed, and the Report reflects the achievement well, to carry out activities aimed at the development of a democratic culture in the schools of the county system.

The implementation of the project was carried out in compliance with the good framing of the application, in the objectives and priorities of the Action.

The activities took place well, according to the plan, in the logical sequence: the selection of participants to participate in the courses, their preparation in all relevant aspects, the participation in the courses with monitoring, evaluation and Europass certification of the acquisitions, the valorization of the acquisitions through the design and delivery of 3 approved courses ME.

Quality learning/training results have been obtained that have been Certified Europass. These actions had a good impact both on the applicant and on the schools involved.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.