2021-EY-PMIP-0005 - ””Ways to build a democratic and inclusive culture in school””

Project facts

Project promoter:
Teacher Training House Brasov(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Casa Corpului Didactic Brașov (CCDBV) - is a public institution of continuous professional development with 9 employees and 67 trainers collaborating with the common mission to promote and support innovation and reform in education. in the previous school year the institution delivered courses to 4363 trainees.
In the previous 4 years, it has implemented several Erasmus KA1 projects and a 2019-EY-PMIP-0005 project “Equal Opportunities in changing learning environments”, managing to diversify and update its training offer.
The participants in the mobilities of the last project are working on a Guide for "Building a democratic and inclusive school culture" and understood that the guide must be promoted within a training program to ensure its implementation, and provide a set of materials / resources / concrete examples of activities (educational kit) to a network of schools / organizations / institutions that can be partners, and provide examples of good practice in this endeavor.
The general objective of this project is to support schools in building a democratic school culture, respecting human rights and promoting active citizenship. For democracy and human rights to become a reality in society, they must become a reality in the daily life of schools.
The project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
O1. Skills development for 8 CCDBV trainers
O2. Review of at least 4 existing training programs, in the spirit of ensuring a democratic and inclusive school culture
O3. A new training program "Building a democratic and inclusive school culture", subject to MEN approval, for at least 50 adult beneficiaries of the education system in Brașov County
O4. Enriching educational resources with a new educational kit for the implementation of the democratic school profile in daily practice
O5. Identifying a network of at least 5 schools / organizations / institutions that can be partners, can provide examples of good practice in this endeavor

Summary of project results

  • The candidature proposed, and the Report reflects the achievement well, to carry out activities aimed at the development of a democratic culture in the schools of the county system;
  • The activities took place well, according to the plan, in the logical sequence: the selection of participants to participate in the courses, their preparation in all relevant aspects, the participation in the courses with monitoring, evaluation and Europass certification of the acquisitions, the valorization of the acquisitions through the design and delivery of an approved course ME, the review of courses offered by CCD, a guide with ISBN delivered to schools on CD and posted on the institution''s website together with a list of contacts with organizations that can support democratic development, transfer activities at CCD level and for participants in other international and national projects of the applicant and a competition of democracy projects between schools with good participation (29 participating schools);
  • These actions had a good impact both on the applicant and on the schools involved.
  • The implementation of the project was carried out in compliance with the good framing of the application, in the objectives and priorities of the Action;
  • The selection process was transparent, with clear criteria and a good preparation was achieved for the  candidates;

The implementation of the project has well capitalized on the specificity of the applicant organization, with relevant results for the institutional development of current activities and of the operating capacity in the international framework

  • All the tangible results planned in the application were obtained;
  • Through the implementation of the completed course, the delivery of the guide and through the project competition, a significant impact was obtained at the school level;
  • Good visibility was achieved for the project and the CCD website is well organized, providing relevant information about all national and international projects implemented;
  • The dissemination of the results was well done, both through direct activities and through online activities and the information bulletin;

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.