2019-EY-PCVET-0010 Quality internships - the premise of a good integration of students on the labor market

Project facts

Project promoter:
Liceul Tehnologic ”Mihai Eminescu” Dumbraveni(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade(PT)
Oana Stroici Atelier SRL(RO)

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According to the comparative analysis by occupations carried out by County Agency for Emploiment Suceava, in vocational and technological high school education, the dominant profiles at regional level are: mechanics, textile and leather industry, trade, etc. Therefore, the chances of students finding a job are high, and our school can be an important provider of skilled labor. It is obvious that the Promoter School is very motivated to offer vocational school students very good quality internships.

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of internships carried out companies, and the specific objectives are: 1. to improve the quality of education and practical training for the textile and leather industry through professional development of teachers, improving skills the staff of the economic agent and the exchange of good practices at the level of school management. 2. Emphasizing the practical side of learning and correlating the skills acquired with the requirements of the labor market in order to increase the employment rate of graduates in the textile and leather industry.

The project will involve 6 teachers working with vocational students, an English teacher, a deputy principal - responsible for the activity of IPT, 2 representatives of the economic agent where the students of the school conduct practical training and 70 students of the vocational school - the textile and leather industry.

The project results: new skills for teachers and students, 3 Local Development Curricula for textile manufacturer field, 3 learning agreements, 3 specialized tests for the textile and leather industry, 2 questionnaires for evaluation of internships, 1 guide of the internship tutor.

The project impact: increase the rate of professional insertion of gratuated students, better teachers,  tools for quality training of students, companies more involved in conducting quality internships.

Summary of project results

The project achieved its objectives and the following results were obtained: • All the 7 teachers participating in the study visit declared that they developed their skills/competences. • The 2 representatives of the partner economic agent participating in the study visit declared that they have developed skills regarding the organization of students'' internships. • A total of 9 people participated in the study visit. • There are no Roma students in the school. • They were achieved o 3 CDLs, 2 for the field of Textiles and one for the field of Mechanics; o 3 Practice notebooks for students; o 3 school-economic agent partnership agreements; o 3 specialized tests for the field of textile and leather industry. • 53 students (96.36%), out of the total number of 55 students in the VET classes, declared that they obtained better learning results during the internships than in previous years. The project can be given as an example of good practice

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.