2019-EY-PICR-0002 - A Chance for the Future

Project facts

Project promoter:
Gorj County School Inspectorate(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The 24 months project "A chance for the future!" is coordinated by Gorj County School Inspectorate and aims at increasing the institutional capacity of 5 schools from Gorj County to ensure an effective inclusion of Roma children.

100 teachers will be trainined by the Romanian and Norwegian trainers in the areas of: Student-centered teaching approaches; Inclusive schooling and teaching in a multicultural environment; Democracy and education for active citizenship; Human / child rights, tolerance, anti-discrimination.

10 optional curricula (5 for primary school students and 5 for secondary school students) related to an inclusive and multicultural environment will be elaborated by project experts.

150 parents will participate in workshops to combat discrimination, to develop skills and form social attitudes, to support students in participating in the education system (Parents go to school, too).

200 students will participate in the intercultural contest "We live together" and in virtual and real excursions to discover and learn more about history, democracy, law, intercultural and multicultural education, and strengthen social inclusion.

Through the activities implementation, teachers’ skills on inclusive schools will be developed, and Roma and non-Roma parents and students behavior will be changed by increasing their social, integration and multicultural skills.

Summary of project results

The studies carried out at the level of the 5 partner school from Gorj County revealed the fact that the lack of concrete measures for the integration of children  from disadvantaged, vulnerable groups, first in the school environment and then in the social environment, generates a series of serious problems, such as school failure and dropout, discrimination of all types, segregation, violence, delinquent behaviour, consumption and trafficking of illegal substances, non-involvement in civic life, limited access to the labour market.

Within the project five course supports for teachers were created to stimulate inclusion in partner schools: Our language is a treasure, Journey in the world of numbers, Open doors to Europe, The rights of the European child, Arts and Crafts-"Mastery on a paper". Ten educational experts coordinated by the Gorj County Inspectorate carried out the activity "And the parents go to school" with the selected parents. Within the activities: Intercultural competition "We live together" and "Real and virtual multicultural trip", 20 facilitators worked with children to develop their attitudes and perception on inclusion and discrimination. The project produced changes in the behaviour of students, parents and teachers regarding personality development, socialization, integration, the culture acquired through the implementation of the proposed activities. 5 course supports were created: T1-Inclusive Education activities; T2-Interactive teaching in the real or virtual classroom; T3-Education and European democracy; T4-Fundamental rights of the European citizen; T6-Dimensions and approaches in inclusive education, to train the selected teachers. All intellectual outputs jointly with the methodology for the activities with parents and children were posted on the project website.

The project, within which trainings for schoolteachers, parents and their school children were conducted, produced changes in the behaviour of students, parents and teachers regarding personality development, socialization, integration, the culture acquired through the implementation of the proposed activities. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.