2018-EY-PMIP-R2-0016_Leadership and Inclusion for Inclusive Schools

Project facts

Project promoter:
County Schools Inspectorates Covasna(RO)
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Covasna County faces a number of profound social and economic problems, problems that lead to an educational shortage in the population and a high risk of diminishing participation in education for several categories of children and young people.By the implementation of a mobility project for 7 school inspectors the Inspectorate will help to increase the quality of education in schools in Covasna County, facilitating in this way the design of the inclusive school profile, based on citizenship, human rights, inclusion and leadership.The specific objectives of the proposal are: -Increasing by 10% the number of schools with an inclusive and creative learning environment from the school year 2019-2020, with the help of 4 school inspectors trained in an intensive 7-day training course on inclusion techniques;-Increasing by 10%, starting with the school year 2019-2020, the number of schools with an innovative leadership offer, with the help of 3 school inspectors who have participated in an intensive 5-day program;-Increase by 20%, starting with the school year 2019-2020, of the number of schools that will adopt and apply the inclusive school concept.The expected project outcomes for the institution are:-7 school inspectors trained in inclusive management -1 Training course completed-case studies on segregation, collections of models to solve the problem of segregation and transfer of good practices-documents made within the project posted on the educational resources platform of the school inspectorate. The training activities will be: -participate to a mixed course (structural course and job shadowing) - Teacher as Change Agent, in Norway (4 persons)-participate to a structured course - Divers Society - Diverse Classroom,  in Iceland (3 persons)The local activities of the project will be: -workshops -educational ressouces platform -teacher training course in topics Democratic and inclusive management and  Interactive methods and tools for 21st century teachers.

Summary of project results

    The implemented project aimed at the participation of 7 school inspectors in 2 training courses:- mixed training course (structured course and job shadowing) - Teacher as a change agent, in Norway (4 people); - structured course - Creative and Diverse Assessment Methods for Education in the 21st Century, in Iceland (3 people)    After completing the training activities mentioned above, the participants organized local activities: dissemination activities, workshop, development of a training program for teachers on creative teaching and evaluation methods in the XXI century, teacher as a change agent, respectively management democratic and inclusive for school management staff, development of a guide to learned methods.    The 7 inspectors, participating in the training courses, lived an intense and unique learning experience, in which they acquired new professional skills, necessary for a teacher in the 21st century, respectively skills to work in a team with other participants from other educational cultures. Using English throughout the activities, the participants significantly improved their level of communication in English. By living for a few days, respectively by traveling and visiting a northern European country, in personal level, it was a real challenge for the participants.    By carrying out local activities, many teachers and directors of institutions were able to benefit from what was learned by the direct participants in the project. By this we beleave that it has contributed to the improvement of the quality of education in Covasna county.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.