2018-EY-PMIP-R2-0011_Tolerance, rights and unity in education

Project facts

Project promoter:
County Schools Inspectorates Neamt(RO)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The idea of this project came from the fact that teachers are much more than being specialists in a certain discipline, they also are head-teachers and / or educational counselors. From the perspective of the educational counselor / head- teacher, all teachers need to make connections with other areas, such as active democratic citizenship – ECD or human rights – EHR which are the basis or "the bricks and the mortar" of peace and dialogue in Europe, in the world of tomorrow. School inspectors carry out the  monitoring of the educational process. One of the monitored issues is the activity of the head-teacher / the educational counselor such, by participating in this project, the 8th  School Inspectors will become coaches, training vectors  at the level of the county.

The TRUE Project - Tolerance, Rights and Unity in Education aims to increase the quality of education in the schools from Neamt county, by increasing the number of democratic schools which are based on tolerance, active citizenship, human rights, inclusiveness and leadership.

The mobility activities, represented by structured courses, through their topics: "The teacher as change agent" and  "Learning outside -  Living together, learning together, working together  - Special focus on outdoor activities” will contribute to enriching knowledge, training skills and the change of attitude of the direct beneficiaries (8). Through local activities the core of the courses will be transmitted to the indirect beneficiaries (the other 18 inspectors, 136 school principals, teachers, parents - 150).  Last, but not least, through the 9 training activities / 3 seminars / one round table, the knowledge will be  transmitted to the students. Activities related to the project will be initiated in at least 40 schools under the slogan "We  change the school together".

Summary of project results

  • The project provided both opportunities for continuous professional development for 8 school inspectors, as well as adequate and sufficient ways to capitalize on the results of mobilities in school practices at county level.
  • There is a good correspondence between the initial plan and the implemented project.
  • The report clearly shows the degree of achievement of the objectives and the results obtained from the perspective of each objective.
  • Based on the report and data resulting from the content analysis of the guide, it can be seen that the two mobility activities have led to consistent and quality learning outcomes.
  • The report is well done, is structured, consistent and presents the activities performed, how to organize and implement.
  • Travel preparation and organization activities are well presented.
  • Follow-up activities are clearly presented, with details on the number of participants, the date of completion and references to supporting documents.
  • All participants have obtained the Europass Mobility Certificate.
  • The project benefits from a separate webpage, which contains information related to the organization of mobility, school projects involved in project activities and the guide (plus articles).
  • The collaboration with the host organizations was very good and there are good premises for possible subsequent collaborations (there were intentions in this regard).
  • There was a good dissemination at the level of the institution and at the county level.
  • It is recommended to better highlight the inclusive dimension of the project.
  • Regarding the impact of the project, more emphasis would have been needed on the results at the level of schools, students and parents (what skills were developed for students, what results were obtained at the level of parents after participating in dissemination activities, elements of the school environment were influenced, etc.).
  • It is mentioned that no steps were taken to equivalence of professional credits based on it, because the participants did not want to. It would have been good to specify the reasons why the the recognition was not desired.
  • It is recommended to pay more attention to the elaboration of the guide (some elements of the table of contents are not found as such in the text - eg, ”Democracy is also learned through projects" / page 27) and of the site (many of the articles presented are sections of the guide and would be good to specify this).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.