18-COP-0032_School of Knowledge Production and Transfer for Global Economy and Governance

Project facts

Project promoter:
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Reykjavik University(IS)
Other Project Partners
Institutul Național de Cercetare Științifică pentru Muncă și Protecție Socială(RO)

More information


The proposed modules for master or Ph.D. students will provide supplementary knowledge and skills development, at international standards, totally new on the education market. It will be based on trends and foresight of the knowledge production and transfer, profiles of the teacher and science promoter, barriers for women and Roma to accede to these positions studies.
O1 – create additional two training modules on knowledge production and transfer (KPT) aiming to increase the employability of youth (especially female, Roma) in the field of higher education and in SMEs testable in 24 months
O2 – explore the future coordinates of the ecosystem “education-world of work in knowledge production and transfer” (E-WW KPT) and reveal the most important factors to facilitate a better integration of the targeted groups in two studies in 15 months
O3 – improve the educational offer of the universities in socio-economic science with additional modules aimed to personalized the education for special demand in the world of work, to be included in partners education offer for 2021-2022
O4 – create an mixt working group of 20 to improve cooperation between universities and stakeholders from knowledge production and transfer sector with the aim to better address their needs by the end of the project
The main target group is the students graduating the master or doctoral degree, who could be potential candidates for a teaching or promoter job.
The results of the projects consist in 2 studies of the main components of the ecosystem E-WW KPT foresight, profile, barriers (about 120 pg.) and 2 training modules curriculum design: (1) Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Production ATKP  and (2) Knowledge Transfer for SMEs KT4SMEs. Other project results consist in publishing 4 joint papers, a joint multinational and interdisciplinary team of 20 trained for KPT modules.

Summary of project results

The project aims to enhance the higher education driving to a career knowledge production (knowledge production is considered by us education at college and university level and research, this is associated with a teaching position in high school or university, as well as a research position in university or research institute) using a training module designed to provide knowledge and develop skills to young students enrolled in a master or PhD programme.
The duration of the project it was supposed to be 24 months (01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021). It was extended to 36 months (01/09/2019 -31/08/2022) because of the pandemic crisis and the lockdown.
The stated objectives were achieved by carrying out the project activities A1-A4 Project management and implementation activities; O1-O4 Intellectual outputs activities, E1-E4 Multiplier events and C1-C4 training activities.
The IO1 – Foresight study, will be distributed in printed for to the participants at the E3 and E4 and will be available on project site at request.
The IO2 – A career in science and knowledge transfer, an empiric study was conducted to have a better representation of what the youth are considering as barriers to accede in a teaching or researching job position or as knowledge transfer promoter in a company.
IO3 and IO4 were designed based on the collected information about similar programs and the regulation in Iceland and Romania about the procedure and documents needed to certify these kind of teaching programs. Two curricula were proposed, one for Advanced Techniques for Knowledge Production – ATKP and one for Knowledge Transfer for SMEs – KT4SMEs. There are various ways of using the proposed curriculum (1) integrate them in existing teaching programs – the procedure and decision is at the university level; (2) to certify them as post-graduate programs – the procedure and decision is at ANC for Romania and Ministry of Education for Iceland; (3) to certify them as training programs – the procedure and decision is at ANC for Romania and Ministry of Education for Iceland; (4) to offer as summer schools – ATKP; (5) training indoor course – KT4SMES.
The results were refined in the STTE and STMS mobility and presented in multiplication events. . The strongest feedbacks ware given by the Summer School (E3), few topics of the curriculum were tested and the conference (E4) were about 100 participants appreciate the idea. On long-term, the implementation will be a significant added value for education

Summary of bilateral results

The mobility activities STTE and STMS, organized in Bucharest, Romania and Reykjavik, Iceland gives the possibility of the Romanian and Icelandic teams to share information, to explore the world of academic education and research to better understand how to attract the youth to a career in science.The mixed groups of students, professors and researchers from all the partners create the mixture able to put together different perception, approaches, cultures, expectations.Future plans are to implement the curriculum and to offer them with mixed team of lecturers from all the partner institutions. On the other hand we are planning to explore potential funding for researching and developing the education and science career.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.