More information
The Gorj County School Inspectorate aims at increasing the institutional capacity of five schools selected from socio-economically disadvantaged communities with a mix of Roma and non-roma pupils, to ensure an effective and a quality education of Roma pupils.
The project provides:
- training for 65 teachers on student-centered teaching approaches, inclusive school and teaching in a multicultural environment, democracy and education for active citizenship, child rights, tolerance and anti-discrimination;
- 6 curricula for primary and secondary school level elaborated to support teachers in organising extracurricular activities for pupils and parents in partner schools
- extra-curricular activities on mathematics, intercultural and entrepreneurial activities, children’s rights, ecology, democracy for 200 Roma and non-Roma pupils
- art and skills workshops for 70 Roma and non-Roma parents to combat discrimination and to support their children in participating in the education system.
Summary of project results
All the objectives of the project have been achieved and all the expected results of the project have been achieved. The project pursued objectives directly relevant to the topics promoted by the program, targeting students, parents and Roma and non-Roma students from five middle schools in Gorj County. The quality and coherence of the business plan is adequately demonstrated. The partnership is based on the involvement of relevant organizations, with a complementary role in the effective implementation of the project. The previous experience of the coordinating organization in some areas of intervention proposed by the project has been adequately capitalized. The activities with Roma and non-Roma students and parents allowed the development of relevant contexts of inter-knowledge, communication, collaboration. Some results, such as the digital handbook, can be actively promoted as a means of ensuring the sustainability of the project. Teaching / curricular resources are used in the current activity of teachers and can have an impact on the development of the offer of optional subjects (CDS). The training activities are insufficiently described and the significant difference between the actual and the planned duration is not justified. Activitățile specifice relevante de monitorizare și evaluare sunt descrise general, detaliile privind metodologia, instrumentele de colectare a unor date semnificative sau indicatorii utilizați fiind slab descrise. Raportul final nu indică modalitățile în care școlile implicate au colaborat și au contribuit la o schimbare a culturii organizaționale proprii, importantă pentru dezvoltarea sustenabilă a intervențiilor și pentru creșterea capacității școlilor de a asigura incluziunea copiilor romi.