2018-EY-PMIP-R1-0007_Diversity, Inclusion & Democracy – Reshaping the School Life and Culture

Project facts

Project promoter:
Teacher Training House of Bistrita-Nasaud(RO)
Project Number:
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The objectives of this project are: O1- Development of training and teaching design skills, including assesment and impact of training and teaching, with focus on Human Rights, Democracy and Active Citizenship;O2- Improving trainers and teachers capacity to deal with conflicts and integration of diversity in a democratic way in a multicultural/intercutural learning environment; O3-Institutional development by practice in an European educational community, as a working network;  O4-Enchanging the European dimension of training centre by cooperation and practice exchange with similar institutions by Norway. Our project is proposing 3 mobility (1 Structured course+Sudy Visit, 1 Seminar and 1 Job Shadowing) of 6 trainers  (2 trainers each) in 3 host institutions from Norway that have a different, but very good expertise in training& teaching in the area of Human Rights, Democracy, Integration & Citizenship. After each mobility, the participants will transfer their new learning and expertise to the practice, by  6 local activities. By this project there will be improved the training &teaching skills of 6 trainers, the teaching design & act for a min.30 teachers who will  inspire the change of teaching process, the organisational culture & school life. Enchanging the European dimension of our training centre and quality of services, we will enchange the level of confidence in our services and  trainers, but also we will be more visible at national and European levels, as a trustfull partner in education. Our project device it is that-Acting for reshaping the school life and culture!...

Summary of project results

In today''s society, the educational service for adults and students should be reconsidered, diversified and internationalised in order to efficiently address the different needs they have in learning, in order to avoid building up non-democratic, conflictual and discriminatory working and learning environments. Teacher training centres need to be connected to and integrated in international networks, to adjust to free market economy characteristics, to reconfigure the organisational culture of their institutions by promoting professional competence, ethical values, peace, tolerance, valuing diversity and integrity. The project involved six learning mobilities, that is 6 trainers from The Teachers Training Centre of Bistrița-Năsăud County (also teachers in BN schools) took part in learning/ training events organised by three Norwegian partners (a structured training course and study visit organised by THE EUROPEAN WERGELAND CENTRE (EWC), Oslo, a seminar  at MENNESKERETTIGHETSAKADEMIET /HUMAN RIGHTS ACADEMY, Oslo and a job shadowing activity at BRAINOBRAIN NORWAY AS, Bergen). The transfer of new knowledge to the school actors as well as to other actors in the local, regional and county community has been achieved through nine local follow up activites (a Logo competition supported by Tricider platform, two workshops, a round table meeting, two participatory workshops, a treasure hunt, a training event on how to use Kahoot and Padlet in education, an event of democratic schools connected through Kahoot, quizzes on democracy and human rights, an international symposium, a 24 hours training course on The Democratic School and its deliverance for free to 3 groups of 77 teachers in the county). Beyond the personal results for the direct and indirect participants to the project activities, we also recorded some tangible results which can be quantified such as: a Good Practice Guide, bearing ISBN registration, a collection of specialty articles from the D.I.D. Symposium, a project blog and a Facebook page, a communication and dissemination plan, which is, in fact, the foundation for the implementation of the project communication, dissemination and results exploitation strategy.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.