2018-EY-PMIP-R1-0015_The Teacher as a Change Agent

Project facts

Project promoter:
County Centres for Resources and Educational Assistance of Vaslui(RO)
Project Number:
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The Overall Project Objectives:
To develop teacher’s professional skills in parallel with the curriculum harmonization, in order to adapt the educational offer to psycho-individual particularities of children with learning difficulties.
Specific Project Objectives:
O1. The diversification of the educational approaches of students with learning difficulties in order to increase their level of psycho-educational functioning.
o2. Facilitating access to ongoing training and programs that aim to use the assistive technologies and non-formal education strategies.
O3. Approaching the Curriculum from the individualized perspective of their development needs of children/students with learning difficulties in order to draw up and realise a program according to student’s interests and needs.
In this training mobility will participate 2 emploees of  Vaslui County Centre of Resources and Educational Assistance - 1  school counsellor who is also the manager of Vaslui County Centre of Resources and Educational Assistance, 1 school social worker , trainer at national level.
Expected outcomes – By attending the mobility, the participant will gain the following competences: - facilitation; designing a curricula for 21st century skills; problem based learning; story telling/narrative capacity to picture scenarios; capacity to take initiative, analyze and evaluate; collaborative learning; learning from mistakes, feed-back giving and feedback receiving.

Summary of project results

Writing  "The teacher as a change agent" project  started from a study applied to a number of 65 integrating schools, which collaborates with the County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance in order to provide specialized support, and to integrate children with special needs. in the community.  The previous study aimed to identify the integration needs of the school units. The main needs that resulted after applying the questionnaire were: lack of a unitary and constant communication system regarding training in the inclusive field; reduced adaptation of teaching-learning strategies by teachers to the educational needs  of students with special educational needs;
limited funds for the purchase of assistive technology for children with special needs; communication dysfunctions between the intervention team members, the multidisciplinary team; lack of adequate spaces for support activities; lack of assessment of the achievement of objectives and progress; a small number of school counseling / speech therapy offices, in the rural area; a few courses that help to understanding and working with students with learning difficulties and to address the emotional problems they face; school curriculum focuses more on acquiring knowledge than on developing skills and attitudes; the need for a clear set of measures, concrete policies aimed at creating an adequate and flexible development framework.
Starting from the needs identified above and from the services provided by the County Resource Center to the teachers, students and their families, we chose the need to train the teachers in the field of school inclusion, thus contributing to the adaptation of the working methods with the indirect beneficiaries. - students with special needs, when developing a new one, acquiring new strategies for approaching the student and the student''s family with special learning needs, creating a friendly, stimulating school environment for the student.
  Although in almost all the schools in the county there are children with special needs, we chose to address, in the first phase, the schools in the urban environment in which the teaching staff of CJRAE Vaslui are performing, namely: school counselors, speech teachers, support teachers and social workers.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.