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This project responds to the HR national priorities in education and professional training, as well as partnership development and encouragement of social partnership initiatives, and it meets the European priority aiming at increasing the quality of education and training (teachers and trainers). We aim to improve the skills of educational experts (trainers of our institution) who will ensure the upgrading of the training offer of the institution/diversify the types of activities and adjust them to the local/national/European priorities, ensuring the quality of HR for the modernization of the educational process in the schools.
Project objectives:
1.Empowering BTTC''s experts to develop courses/activities aimed at implementing the basic principles of democracy in schools;
2.Developing new attitudes towards an inclusive approach of the learning process to make school more friendly;
We propose that 8 BTTC members participate to:"Building Democratic School Cultures"-Training and study visit for Teacher Trainers Oslo 5-10.10.2018-4 members.
"Reaching, teaching and keeping our learners Methods and approaches to reach and increase retention of disadvantaged learners"-21–27.10.2018, Borgarnes, Iceland,Inter Cultural Iceland-4 members.
The expected outcome:2 training courses-for 320 teaching staff ;4 debates in pedagogical meetings on topics such as Inclusive School-80 teachers;1round table-30 participants ;Creating an e-brochure to be posted on our website and made accessible to teachers /parents /students-Map of services,which will include legislative information,information on institutions that support students and their families,who come from disadvantaged groups-estimate 10,000 national & international views;1conference on Democratic School-between theory and reality-100 participants ;Non-formal activity"Education for Democracy"-40participants.
Summary of project results
As a promoter of change and inovation in the preuniversity educational system, we had an essetial role as an institution, in the adaptation of the training offer, of all its activities, to the problems that appear in the educational system. “Educational Resources for the Future Generation” project was generated as a result of the analysis of the answers formulated by the teachers from Bucharest to the different forms of feedback applied by the methodist teachers from CCDB, analysis, after which the main needs identified at school level are as follows: teachers ability to use instruments, content, techniques by which, within the formal, non-formal, informal framework, students will be educated from the earliest age in the sense of active participation and involvement in the life of the society, the knowledge and application of the norms of democracy and the democratic attitude, the active citizenship; the acquisition by the teachers of the techniques/ strategies to create learning contexts adapted to the needs of the students, to ensure the increase of the inclusion considering the social context in which the learning process is taking place nowadays, when in each school/ class there are students who come from families with different social constraints and who face real difficulties of integration, adaptation. The project results are: 8 trained methodist teachers, 2 training courses approved in the CCDB’s 2018/2019 offer, 403 trained teachers, 30 people aware of the need for involvement in the search for solutions to prevent abandonment at a round-table, 158 teachers participating in the information and dissemination conference, 80 teachers participating in the pedagogical circles, 68 teachers benefiting from the workshops in the non-formal activity, over 10.000 teachers, decision makers, parents, students informed about the benefits brought by the training activities in the European space through the online brochure “Map of services”.