Innovative exhibition of restored objects from the collection of the National Theatre “Ion Luca Caragiale”” of Bucharest

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Theatre “Ion Luca Caragiale” of Bucharest(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
“Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum(RO)
National Military Museum(RO)
The National Library of Romania(RO)
The National Museum of Art of Romania(RO)


The National Theatre “I. L. Caragiale “ in Bucharest is, at a national level, a public institution that holds in its patrimony an impressive collection of cultural goods which represent a true mirror of the evolution of Romanian dramaturgy and scenic art throughout Romania’s history. Alongside the works of fine art, the Museum’s collections include as well: documents, artifacts and costumes in which great names of the Romanian stage have played in some of the greatest and most important theatre performances in the history of Romania. After completing the reconstruction works of the National Theatre, in 2015, the Musem now has a dedicated space of 650 square meters. Our project represents a first step, a decisive and significant one, for the rebirth of the Theatre’s Museum and opening the Museum for the public. It implies an expertise process, conserving and restoring – together with our partners – 38 cultural goods accommodated by the Museum, among which a train gown that belonged to Queen Mary of Romania, costumes worn by famous actors that interpreted great roles in historical drama performances, manuscripts and other stationary objects. The Project’s objective consists of improving the cultural entrepreneurship scene, while its specific objectives stand for improving the cultural management by organizing an innovative exposition of Romanian restored cultural mobile goods. The direct result of the Project will be the organizing and opening for the public of the innovative Exhibition with 38 cultural restored mobile goods, having as a direct result the growth and development of the cultural heritage.

Summary of project results

Ever since the completion of the consolidation and functional reconfiguration of the National Theater, the general public has learned about the existence of the Theater''s museum collections that contain significant cultural assets for the history of Romanian theater. The project addressed the need of theater experts, specialists in the history of art, museographers and the general public to have access to the cultural assets belonging to the National Theater from Bucharest.

Through the project, 38 cultural assets were restored, these activities falling to the 4 project partners. The cultural assets were subsequently expertized and classification files were drawn up for each restored cultural asset, which were submitted to the Ministry of Culture to be listed as cultural heritage. In order to display the restored goods, the space in the premises of the Bucharest National Theater was arranged, display cases, interactive tables and other equipment were purchased to create an innovative exhibition.

At the end of the project, the spectators of the Bucharest National Theater benefit from the opportunity to visit the exhibition through guided tours. The 38  cultural assets have been restored and exhibited in an innovative way. The income obtained from supporting the guided tours will be used, during the sustainability period, for the restoration of other cultural assets and for the organization of related temporary exhibitions.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.