SOLIDARy with the rights of the vulnerable!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Caritas Romania Confederation(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
The Federation of Nongovernmental Organizations for Social Services(RO)

More information


The project addresses the neglected aspects of NGO intervention in helping Ukrainian refugees and aims to: capitalize on the experience gained by the Caritas; promote the experience exchange&facilitate a transfer of good practices between NGOs regarding the protection of children in crises caused by war; promote multiculturalism and solidarity; help Ukrainian children but
also Romanian children from disadvantaged families to develop skills in communicating the fundamental rights included in the UN Convention. These issues will be addressed by: making small videos illustrating the recurrent activities of the organizations, promoted on the specially created YouTube channel; by making video testimonials, called "My Perspective", to combat fakenews, dismantling the idea of "millionaire" refugees; organizing a 5-day summer camp, where  Ukrainian and  vulnerable Romanian children will participate in workshops to help them identify signs of discrimination and raise awareness of active civic
attitudes and behaviors based on the human rights; the organization of 3 workshops, in 3 different geographical regions (Bucuresti, Iasi, Oradea), with the aim of promoting multiculturalism and solidarity regarding Ukrainian refugees; a workshop "Protection of children in crises caused by war. Caritas Safeguarding Policy" to facilitate the transfer of good practices and the exchange of
experience between NGOs; a training on “Defending the rights of people displaced from Ukraine. Advocacy and social dialogue

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.