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In the area of Miroslava commune, Iasi county, the population grows annually by 1,500 - 2,000 inhabitants and by about 650 new houses. Population growth in this area poses a major threat to environmental degradation.
To address these issues, a wide-ranging information, awareness-raising and counselling campaign and an education, training and support session will be organised for young people and teachers at the M. Kogalniceanu Technological High School in Miroslava.
The project activities will promote education through ecological gestures in order to form a responsible attitude towards the environment, nature, ecological gestures aimed at reducing unnecessary consumption and limiting inappropriate waste management.
The beneficiaries of the project will be young students over 14 years old from Miroslava, Iasi county, teachers, local authorities and members and volunteers of the association who will benefit from training, education in civic spirit, focusing on all social and collective problems, not only individual ones, promoting the power of example through eco-gestures.
Beneficiaries will be actively involved in all project activities, will produce advocacy materials together with the project team, in partnership with the Association "Together we build destinies", which through the educational experience of its members will add value to the project.
Summary of project results
The project intervened in a disadvantaged area of Iași County, in the locality of Miroslava. Miroslava Commune is a historically significant area, representing the largest commune in Romania and consisting of 13 villages with over 28,000 inhabitants. In the area of Miroslava commune, the population is growing annually by 1,500 to 2,000 inhabitants and with about 650 new houses. Population growth in this area represents a major threat to the degradation of the environment.
Within the project "Learning by Doing," were addressed challenges such as reducing pollution, responsibly managing waste, and recycling, as well as educating the community about the importance of a clean environment and actions they can take to maintain it. A Facebook page and a website were created, and promotional materials for the project were developed. The campaign with the theme "Think globally but act locally!" had a major impact on the Miroslava community, with a focus on the students of Mihail Kogălniceanu Technological High School. 30 students from Mihail Kogalniceanu Technological High School, Miroslava, benefited weekly from education and training sessions within the creative workshops conducted by the expert educator. For the entire Miroslava community, especially for the teachers and students of the High School, the campaign and the creative workshops represented a novelty, addressing current issue such as environmental protection through innovative and interactive methods.
The following results were recorded: students became more concerned about the environment, disseminated the information received in the training sessions to other colleagues, and started reacting when people around them engaged in environmental pollution actions; young people aged 14-19 involved in the campaign understood and became aware of the importance of protecting the environment and expressed their desire to get involved in future actions to prevent climate change phenomena.