A great job, no corners cut!

Project facts

Project promoter:
League Association of High School Technology Students(RO)
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The project A great job, no corners cut! responds to the need to invest in the personal development and school motivation of students in vocational and technical education (IPT). The project will connect high school students located in some of Buzau disadvantaged areas to the community and the school environment, so that they become agents of change in school and community. The project will be implemented in 6 technological high schools, of which 4 in rural areas. 250 students will benefit from an education and information campaign structured on 4 topics in the field of civic education, human rights, civic involvement and communication. 40 of them will be organized in 6 groups - the LEM Civic Inspector and will carry out 6 actions of civic involvement in the community. The LEM civic inspector will address needs in the area of IPT education, environmental protection or community needs that directly affect students in IPT and that can be addressed. The communication campaign #Change starts with you, dedicated to the 6 communities, aims to increase interest in community involvement, using as an example the advocacy initiatives in the project.

Summary of project results

The main challenge of the project was to raise awareness among the population regarding the civic involvement of IPT students and the promotion of good practice models in the field that can be replicated later. The students managed to accumulate new information, developed communication skills and discovered new ways to raise funds.

On March 2022 the following courses were held within the project: Communication; Management; Leadership; Fundraising. 6 high schools from the ÎPT Buzău were involved in which students who wanted to be part of the change participated. At the end of the communication course, all the students managed to support their projects in front of their colleagues and teachers.

In May 2022, four information sessions were organized in the same 6 high schools from Buzau. The sessions included folloing subjects: Human rights; Leadership; Community Involvement; Communication in the 21st century. All participating students come from rural areas, from disadvantaged areas.

The total number of beneficiaries reached 250 students.

In addition, the project also consisted of the activity "Civic ÎPT Inspector". The partner high schools were asked to propose an initiative to improve the educational system of which they are a part, with 270 students from all 6 high schools participated. The best proposal was rewarded by offering 2 tablets / high school, this being a component to activate both the motivation to participate in all 4 sessions. They participated with 6 ideas were subjected to a judging whose purpose was to choose one of them. 15 students carried out a cultural visit to the Palace of the Parliament and the Antipa Museum in Bucharest.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.