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Based on the significant needs and gaps in the provision for this age group in the region, our plan is to start a Day Centre, operating Monday to Friday. Catering for vulnerable and learning disabled young adults will be one of our goals. We intend to provide a program of work experience, training opportunities and social-therapeutic input for a group of 10-12 young adults aged between 18 and 35 years, achieving thereby social integration for the young adults leading towards personal development, an active contribution to society, and employability. Our extensive experience in this field in the U.K. has convinced us that this particular age group presents the greatest potential for personal growth, skills development and achievement, but is also that time in life when vulnerable and learning-disabled people are most at risk from isolation, alienation and neglect. This is due to the lack of appropriate opportunities or social support, a problem accentuated in Romania with its unfortunate history of institutionalized neglect of learning disabled people and a general lack of social care provision. There is a dire lack of professionally functioning civil society organizations in Romania and an extremely low level of financial support available from the Government. The successful implementation of the project sets an example for the positive functioning of the 3rd sector in this region. We are a group of professionals with lifelong commitments to this work, being natives of the region in Central Romania and having many years of experience in successful and innovative service delivery models in Scotland.
Our goal in the beginning of the project is to enroll the young adults into our activities, to receive a Romanian license for a Day Centre, offer assessment of needs for 10-12 young adults with learning needs, develop the Personal Plans designed to meet the needs, develop our organic garden into a social enterprise to serve as a pillar in our financial sustainability.
Summary of project results
There is a significant lack of programs for people with disabilities, in Harghita county and in the region. The project created a new social service by obtaining a license for the Day Centre for Adults with Disabilities. This addresses the needs of young people in the Cristuru Secuiesc area, thus contributing significantly to the achievement of the objective of the National Strategy "A barrier-free society for people with disabilities": ensuring fuller participation in different areas of life; access to support services that increase the working capacity of young people; promoting inclusive education and training for young people.
The project result and outcomes have been achieved through the activities of the project, which aimed to develop the skills of 12 young adults with disabilities in a person-centered way: gardening, craft workshops, kitchen work. The garden applies ecological methods with minimal impact on the balance of the local ecosystem. 14 volunteers have enriched the program and raised the level of support provided. The special events have deepened the relationship with families, strengthened the parents'' group (28 participants). The weekly folk dance sessions were highly appreciated, providing a platform for socializing. Also, during the project implementation phase, the project promoter managed to accredited the day center for people with disabilities in Porumbenii Mici, Harghita County.
A skilled team has formed behind the program, managing and directing the project to a high professional standard. The Center provides services in an under-served area and brings lacking expertise. During the pilot project the promotor started to develop a partnership with a Norwegian NGO.