Young people - the champions of interethnic communities development

Project facts

Project promoter:
Center of Resources for Social Inclusion CRIS(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The Roma in Romania are poor, vulnerable and socially excluded, which drastically limits their opportunities to contribute to Romania''s economic growth and common prosperity. Also, the Roma face a weak participation in the decision making at local level and low expectations regarding their power to influence the local government (especially in the school environment).

The civic participation of the Roma is often limited, the Roma communities being used as an electoral mass of maneuver, and the public agenda does not systematically include the interests of the Roma. The project proposes a series of measures, as a pilot initiative, in 3 localities in Prahova county, for raising awareness and activating the population from interethnic communities regarding the need for socio-economic development of the Roma minority by organizing civic organizations of young Roma and non-Roma, supporting the development of entrepreneurship among Roma and non-Roma young people and the participation of citizens in the measures taken in education for young people in these communities. Young people from these communities can become the champions of local development and their initiatives can be good practice examples for the citizens of the interethnic rural communities.

Summary of project results

The project "Young people - the champions of interethnic communities development" proposes a series of measures, as pilot initiatives, in 3 localities in Prahova county, to raise awareness and activate the population of interethnic communities on the need for socio-economic development of the Roma minority by organizing civic organizations of young Roma and non-Roma, supporting the development of entrepreneurship among young Roma and non-Roma and citizen participation in measures taken in education for young people in these communities.

Promoted the project and the role of the program, informed the relevant public and the general audience about the project, its activities and results. A3.Training in community development for 18 young Roma and non-Roma. 18 young Roma and non-Roma from three interethnic communities were trained in community development. A4.Organization of 3 civic youth associations. 3 interethnic youth civic associations without legal personality were founded and activated by the 18 young people trained in community development. A5.Civic initiative actions of civic youth associations. Civic youth associations have identified the problems that affect the daily life of citizens and implemented 3 civic initiatives to solve the problems. A6.Formation and activation of local education support groups. 3 local education support groups were established and activated. A7.Training in entrepreneurship for young people. 30 young Roma and non-Roma were trained in entrepreneurship. A8.Supporting the development of business plans by trained young people. Young people trained in entrepreneurship were supported by a consultant to develop 30 business plans.

Main results:

  • 18 young people, of which 7 Roma and 11 non-Roma from 3 interethnic rural communities were trained in civic, civic and organizational participation within civic youth associations.
  • 18 young Roma/non-Roma from 3 interethnic rural communities activated in civic, citizen participation within civic youth associations - 3 interethnic youth civic associations, without legal personality, activated in 3 interethnic rural communities
  •  3 interethnic youth civic associations, without legal personality, involved in solving problems that affect the daily life of citizens in the community - 3 civic initiative actions carried out by young Roma and non-Roma from 3 interethnic rural communities.
  • 30 representatives of Romanians and Roma from the countryside participate in decision-making in the educational act - 3 local support groups established and activated - 3 school development plans carried out - 31 working meetings of the support groups
  • 30 young Roma and non-Roma, from 3 interethnic rural communities, trained in entrepreneurship
  • 30 business plans made by young Roma and non-Roma from 3 interethnic rural communities

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.