DajPhen. Solidarity network for roma women

Project facts

Project promoter:
E-Romnja- Association for Promoting Roma Women Rights(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Roma Center for Health Policies Association - Sastipen(RO)

More information


DajPhen is a project proposed by the E-Romnja Association in partnership with Sastipen, which approaches the motherhood of Roma women as a process, from the decision to get pregnant to the support services both in the health system and in the community. In Romania, discussions about motherhood are defined from a perspective of white, educated, middle-class women and this creates a type of representation that defines the idea of being a mother. Roma women as well as poor women, women from rural areas or women from other minority groups are often marginalized as the '''' portrait built ''''for a mother does not overlap with their existence based on daily survival. Our project starts from these aspects and addresses the birth as a process starting with the decision to become a mother, the development of support networks for Roma girls / women during pregnancy, access to health services, treatment and ultrasound during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding, treatment in the hospital during pregnancy and support provided after birth. The main beneficiaries of this project will be the Roma girls / women, considering that in Romania the problems they face are related both to the community patriarchal system and to the inaccessibility to reproductive health services. So the project as it is built wants to start from the bottom up, involving both teenagers, fathers and community members as well as local, county, national, social media, service providers and the general public to change their perspective on birth. Starting from the community resources aimed at empowering Roma women to create their own narratives and access to public services, the added value of the project is the partnership created with Sastipen, which provides dialogue with public institutions and advocacy actions for the improvement of health policies.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.